Sonic.Exe WFTW
2 years ago

Read article for say ,, yay "

Oh good im spend two hours for this. Pls read article

oh god this is my best week of this vacation


finally I convinced @WheatGuy356 to come back to scrach and the weather is about to "fuck" and parents agreed that we'll come back on Monday (unless they go crazy xd)

anyway, what about the mobile version? I will say that for now it is beta and only the menu is in mobile



Next up

Sonic hallowen update is OUT!

read article for all changes

i just wanted to showcase whole game after halloween update :D

i just changed icon of the game beacusme... NO REASON, and i know i updated game las time 7 montchs ago...

Shadow and Maria having a little stroll

We are geting closer and closer, stay safe, and don't be home alone :) #DailyChristmasThings

mr hue hues

: Aseprite

: mem16

Tails halloween update is out now :)

changes in article

Christmas update is out :)

( Merry Chirstmas! )

Happy Retro Video Game Day!

Celebrate your favorite retro game by completing our quest.

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