11 months ago

[Read Article] The End of the FNaF Era

Hey, everyone!

I feel like this announcement has been a long time coming. Around two years ago I stated my intentions to release "one more FNaF fangame" and then quit game development. A lot has since happened in those two years, but these last few weeks in particular have really opened my eyes. I need to make a change in my life and I'd like to be extremely transparent in what that means.

I've been struggling with mental health issues caused mostly by my bipolar disorder. I've also been extremely anxious due to some IRL issues, especially the pressure of trying to find a job so I can have my own personal income. I'm 20 years old, I've been making FNaF fan projects since I was 11. I've burned myself out making these games. I still love FNaF and always will, but I need to make a change. I want to write more, maybe make some silly fanfic for other media I enjoy, write poetry, etc. I still have a desire to make games, but they will not be fangames. Especially not FNaF fangames.

BUT! Let's make something clear: I still have some FNaF projects in the works, but they are not FNaF World fangames. Only one of those projects is a work of my own, too.

First, I'm currently developing a FNaF fangame with my very good friend Evie, @TheresNoSteak , called The Hanged Woman. It features artwork by another good friend of mine, Stillafangirl, with music by Nitrosparxx. It will be my final FNaF fangame. I have no clue as to when it will be released, it's still in the very early stages of development, but I am confident that given time it will release in maybe about a year or so if we're lucky.

Second, I'm co-writing a webcomic with Stilla called And So I Carry On. Stilla created the comic and asked me to help do some writing for it some months back. She's drawn and colored every page herself and I implore you all go and give it a look. She has a lot of very cool ideas for it, and it's an honor to help her execute them to their fullest potential!

Third, I'm writing for a yet-to-be-announced fangame by a friend of mine. You'll have to wait to learn more, sorry!

To further clarify some things, yes, this does mean that FredBear & SpringBonnie 5 is canceled. Any FNaF projects I had planned besides Hanged Woman are canceled. I will not hesitate to remove any rude comments about this fact from this post.

With all this said and done, you may be wondering what comes next? I did say I still have a desire to make games, after all. Well, I've recently begun development on an original game using the RPG Maker MZ engine and its tools. I've been looking at a lot of European mythology for inspiration, it's been a very fun project to work on thus far. I can't show off anything just yet, but I hope I'll be able to at a later point in time.

And that's that. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I'll be honest, I don't really know how to top this off, so I'll just remind you all that I recently released an update to FNaF World: Adventure about a week ago! It features some graphical updates and some updated dialogue in some areas, mostly the Rise of Malhare storyline. It's still the same game, overall, but these minor improvements are nice.

I'd also like to ask you all a question: would you like for me to release a playable version of the canceled FNaF World: Adventure DX? Aside from missing a lot of content and graphics, it's core gameplay is pretty much finished. If there's enough interest for it, I'll release it on the FNaF World Adventure game page!

That's all for now. Thank you all again for your continued support.

Until next time!

  • Shamir / Hilda



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