1 year ago

Read below!


A serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was shot by the Russian military with the words "die bitch" after he said Glory to Ukraine,

Let's honor the memory of the Hero of Ukraine🇺🇦😔

I will also remind you that many Ukrainians are still being killed for the word Glory to Ukraine

Glory to the hero!

Glory to heroes!

Glory to Ukraine!


Військовослужбовця Збройних сил України застрелили російські військові зі словами "здохни сука" після того, як він сказав Слава Україні,

Вшануймо пам'ять Героя України🇺🇦😔

Також нагадаю, що за слово Слава Україні досі вбивають багатьох українців

Слава герою!

Героям слава!

Слава Україні!






Next up

You are my sunshine☀️

Cook something

Just a random model and render I made in Prisma3D

Floor 8 Flashbacks

Render made in Prisma3D by me

Edited in PS Touch and Snapseed

Tried to recreate Ty's hammer in Prisma3D

A random Mock Endo render I did a few days ago

Model made in Prisma3D by me

Edited in Snapseed

I might be able to make this world anew...

Models, Render and editing by: @AlexSiykovskyi (me)

Made in: Prisma3D, PS Touch and Snapseed

Blood texture by: @Breim

fnaf ar if it was really good

I'm going to tell you a story...

Model, Render and editing by: @AlexSiykovskyi (me)

Made in: Prisma3D, PS Touch and Snapseed

Bones for the model made: @Xisem