A Remake for TRTF Classic
5 days ago


Hey guys, MistakeM there.

This announcement is the current one that would have more info.

THE DINER: A TRTF Story is no longer.

It was always TRTF Chapter One Reboot, but without an official name, so TD:ATS came with all the development team related to the project.

The main point is: The project was never related to a new story at all...

We always wanted to make a Chapter One REBOOT, and we will do it, we have the map, the cast, advanced programming, I am sorry to remove the current version of the game, but the game itself, when playing, had a big difference within the name and the atmosphere.

To end this devlog: The game is going to have a new atmosphere, new graphics, to fit with what we are developing.

>project:1_9_9_6_ isn't the name of the final game, it's just the current house for ''PROLOGUE 1.0'', now renamed and waiting for the 2.0 version.



Next up


Give life

Give TRTF fangames

Beware of the FOX

So quick, turning into a memory in my dev career.

Witness the beginning.

The Fazbear Facility: Prologue Official Trailer will premiere at the Vortex Charity Stream!

Frankburt's figurine may reference his appearence in the Saga.

Gameplay (DEMO) reveal trailer out now!

Just got the new description done!

Why making a email saying that a respounse will come soon, why?

Why won't you answer the email...

"The Synthesis"

Where are the lights?