2 years ago

Recently I've seen that Iaon, one of the more popular folk in the FNaW Community, remade his very own Five Nights at Wario's Iceberg. In the image above. So, I'm gonna go through and give you info on EVERYTHING IN THIS!

Section One: The Diner Before the Curse

Five Shows at Wario's: Directors Cut DLC: Starting off, we have one of the most powerful games in the franchise, FSaW DX. The plans for the game were to add some quality of life changes and then add new content to make the game more fun and tie up lose ends in the timeline, as we now know from the Full Story. Not much else to say here, other than go and replay FSaW DX.

Star Prophet: Apart of the FNaW Archives, this follows Matt Parker after the events of FSaW DX's Endgame Quest. The Star Prophet is mentioned in the last section, where he is referred to as Waluigi. Prior to his reveal however, a seperate man mentioned a man called "Lucas" as the Saviour. Keep an eye on that name. It'll be more important soon...

Oh yeah! Whilst looking back at some of the old games, I found out that after you beat Night 7 of FNaW 2 Standard Mode, you get a newspaper of which the witnesses name is Matt Parker. Nice way to bring back characters WwwWario!

Five Nights at Wario's Collection + Five Nights at Wario's Deluxe Editions: Probably the only two that I have grouped together, because they pretty much replicate the same thing. FNaW Deluxe is a remake of the original Five Nights at Wario's and is apart of the Five Nights at Wario's Collection. The FNaW Collection is a remake of the first 5 games (FNaW 1, 2, 3, 4 and origins) by WwwWario, jeb_yoshi and NumberOneJenny that will have their own seperate pages for each game. Make sure to check em out when they come out, cause FNaW 1 Deluxe already has new content!

5.0 Updates: The 5.0 Update only updated the 1, 2, 3, 4 and origins with small graphical updates or slight changes in programming such as the lights in FNaW 1 not turning the battery red, but instead taking 5 power when clicked.

Cross-Game Quest: Before the Endgame Quest, we have the cross game quest. To fill yall in, each game except for 4 was given a piece of a key.

FNaW 1 -Have Peach on 20 in Custom Night, then click on her key when she is at the door. No one else can be active.

FNaW 2 - Similar story here, Standard Mode, Toad is at 20, rest are at 0. When Toad leaves the cabinet, click on the cabinet and get the key. Don't worry about death, as long as you get the key that's all you need.

FNaW 3 - Go through the entirety of the Daytime Quest and once you are on the path, look for a Spruce tree, to the right of the tree is a hidden path, you'll find the key dont that path.

FNaW Origins - 1988 Mode, Night 6. Look at the Entrance 1 Camera and you'll find the key there.

Now you've collected all the key pieces, you can go back to FNaW 4 and click the key in the key menu. Text should appear and say "It sounded like a door opened somewhere far away..."

Guess what, you're going back to the FNaW 3 Daytime Quest, except this time, you go into a door in the office when you get there. Dialogue will play and the Post Game Night starts. I'll let the rest be up to your imagination... or just for you to look up.

End-Game Quest: I'm not writing an entire essay again. The End-game quest is something most people have seen or heard of so I'm not gonna go into too much detail, but this sets up the final moments of the FNaW timeline, connecting every game together with something unique. It also introduced the strange Mario Entity.

Bruno Gate: The man who simply wished to heal his sick daughter. Bruno is the man who killed Wario and his friends in a panic whilst getting the Hamburger recipe. He would later die by the spirits hands. Bruno couldn't rest and apologized to the spirits in FNaW 3, everyone was free, Bruno was sent to a twisted city called "Gray City" I believe, and helped Entity 01 and Emma escape to the real world.

Old FNaW Wiki: Lets first define what the first current FNaW Wiki is in this case.


This is the official Wiki due to the database being approved by WwwWario and the people who beta tested FSaW.


This is the one that most people used prior to the opening of the FNaW Official Wiki. I unironically thought that this wiki was always the original wiki and there was no other wiki. Atleast I know what there is now!

Entity 01: A giant red version of Giga Bowser with orange eyes that stare into your soul. His main goal is to reach them mythical paradise where his supposed origins is to be found. In doing so, Emma was created in a demonic book during the 14th century. Wario ended up using it after 7 whole centuries and well, the rest is history. Fun Fact, if you leave a show early, then Entity 01 will show an Anti-Cheat Screen, more on that later.

The FULL STORY of FNaW: I'm not going to go into the entire lore of FNaW here, but if you're new to the community and wanna know why Wario and the gang are trying to kill you, I've included links to the lore given by the creator WwwWario.



Time Loop: One part of the lore that I get to explain is the Time Loop. In FNaW Origins, we learn that after the Bad ending in FNaW 3, the spirits were found by Rosalina, to which Wario attacks and sends the spirits of the original 5 back in time. This also happened prior to the events of FNaW Origins, the first time that Rosalina sent back the spirits, aka the one that we actually see. This is further confirmed in Christopher Diary Entry #3, where he understands that the spirits were in a time loop and the curse was attached to the spirits alongside this. Thats the basics of the timeloop, once again, watch the lore for a more detailed explanation over the time loop.

V2.0 Design Changes: Remember small Ashley? Well that was originally her design in FNaW 3.


V1.0 Ashley


V2.0 Ashley

Ashley wasn't the only one to have design change however, Bowser also had his design change between the first version and second version.


V1.0 Bowser


V2.0 Bowser

People weren't the biggest fan over Bowsers redesign, but I think its alright, Not the best, but it's ok. Finally, we have probably the most drastic and important change, Demon Wario.





This is Emma by the way in case your new, they take the form of Demon Wario as shown in FSaW. Think of it like a vessel.

Cooking With Emma in FNaW 4: The Cooking With Emma Channel was the 5th channel in FNaW 4, before anything got big with lore. It was a normal kitchen with a doorway at the back of the room. There is also another channel which mentions Emma, that being Lake Emma 24/7.

James: James is the character who you play as during the end of the Cross-Game Quest. In the games, he is the one who made the games? It's hard to explain so I'll try to condense it here (go watch the lore yada yada), but in the game, the James of this universe made the games for another universe version of himself to understand what would happen if the curse is set free in his universe. He is also the Phone Guy in FNaW 1.

Murders in the Factory: Not much to explain on this one, Bruno killed Wario, Waluigi, Luigi, Peach and Mario in the factory looking for the recipe, the spirits possessed the corpses, killed Bruno, FNaW!

Edward Coleman: Our main protagonist in Five Nights at Wario's 3. He is an employee of Secure inc. and was tasked with guarding the Mcroy house for Richard Mcroy. However, Peach had already possessed Mcroy at this point, so it was a death trap. Edward dies in most cases in FNaW 3, the bad ending has him dying to Peach possessing Mcroy and the Daytime Quest Mode if you've completed the Post-Game Night. I mean being the first victim of the Entity must be pretty cool, right?

All-Out Modes: A staple part of the FNaW Franchise and its unique capabilities is the All-Out Mode. With how different each game is, you'll always have fun trying to beat Wario and the gang.

Insta-Kill Bug: In FNaW v2.0, a bug in the code cause Bowser and Waluigi to instantly kill you in Standard mode if they got into the office. This can be seen in one of Taste Gamings videos.

This one right here.

Section Two: The Factory

Daymare: This is the Nightmare Day, where all entities will start breaching the house at their full force. the name Daymare was most likely given because it is a day during a very nightmarish landscape. I mean I'd feel the same way to.

Gray City Remote: Once you beat the End-Game Quest, you can return to FNaW and you'll have this remote.


Think about it as your last prize for 100% completing the FNaW Lore in a way,

Entity 00: The Entity living in the Overworld that Wario was sent to in the very end of the endgame quest. No one knows what Entity 0 is or what it looks like. The only things we do know is it is referred to as Entity 0 / Entity 00 and whenever you try to enter its cabin in the overworld, this error screen appears:


There is one thing however, the binary in this error screen does translate to something, that being "You are forbidden to know, my electrical conductor."

FSaW Anti-Cheat: As stated before, whenever you close the game during a show and come back, this screen will pop up.


FNaW Fighters: This is a game that acted as a Smash Bros. style of FNaW, you got to choose characters like Wario or Mario and have them duke it out. No, this game is probably not going to be updated anytime soon.

Game Icon Changes: There have obviously been several changes to the Game Icons over the versions, such as FNaW Origins' changing Icons.

Thomas' Note: In an Exit where there is no Entity, the Entrance door where VIRUS Luigi is will be open, going through this door will take you to a secret room with a note from Thomas Taylor, the Protagonist of FNaW 2. It explains how he somehow got the Gray City and fended off the entities and also explains who made the map.

Yoshi in FNaW2: Most people probably know this, but if you go to the Tool Storage when light is there, Yoshi has the possibility of appearing in the window. He doesn't try to kill you (yet), nor does he do anything, but it is a nice easter egg.

Battitude: No that is not a battery with attitude, but it is the artist who made the titles background in all its... frankly way to detailed glory. Thanks for the great art Battitude!


Luigi in ONaF 2: The undead plumber specifically was indeed in One Night at Flumpty's 2, however once the Fanverse update came about, he was replaced with an alien because the ONaF games were originally intended to be put onto the switch. Of course, complications rose and the rest is history.

HIDE: Remember the 3rd night of FNaW 4 and how Luigi would full on destroy the game? Well if you don't heres a reminder. Luigi will appear and cause the game to crash, reopening the game will cause a sequence where the New Game button breaks, footsteps play and the Wario on the title screen will stare at you. the word HIDE will appear over and over until a mini-jumpscare with the text: "YOU CAN'T HIDE FOREVER!" appearing. I guess this was just weird proof that FNaW 4 was a nightmare, even though that was now confirmed by this point.

Red Wario: Red Wario was a stock render of Wario during the demo stages of FNaW. It was a Wario with Red and it was pupilless. This is now dubbed the most famouse piece of unused content in this franchise!

M A R I O / Mario Entity: An entity that lives in the WarioWare Inc. / old Morning Star building found in 1986. It goes by two names. One being Mario Entity and the other being M A R I O. Its only game appearance is during the Endgame quest, where Richard encounters it when collecting the second electrical component. It appears a lot more in the lore videos. When Wario bought the building, people felt the presence of the entity, unbeknownst of what was causing it. Later, Lucas Mcroy (again, more on him later) ordered Bowser to burn the building down to hide the evidence. It didn't die however and well, you know how that went. Then later, Christopher bought the building for his research, he saw a face, begun to slip from reality and saw a silhouette of a man. He was then taken by M A R I O and the building went quiet. The last bit of lore prior to the Great Reset Timeline was during Thomas Taylors Seventh night, in which he felt a time warp due to the entity teleporting him 7 months into the future.


201% Completion: This is on the same level as the Gray City Remote, once you complete everything in the game, you get yourself a nice gold background, a cool title screen and dignity for completing everything in the FNaW Series!

Classic Mode Night 7 Ending: I theorise that this is the timeskip mentioned during the M A R I O segment where Thomas is sent forward in time. Richard asks if Thomas is still there, before saying "Good" thinking hes dead. This happens after you complete Night 7 in classic mode, but it is also a rare game over screen in v1.0

Flumpy Bumpty: Wow 2 Flumpty mentions in one post about undead plumbers how weird. Anyway, if you check the basement or Attic in 1988 mode, Flumpty has the possibility of appearing and clicking on him will make him say hi. It's a cool easter egg I'd say despite the... events of recent times.

Richard being Possessed: Lets be honest here, I don't need to explain this one much, people most likely know about all of this stuff already from the lore but to break it down for new comers, heres the basics. After FNaW 1, Richard had nightmares of the cast because Luigi was possessing him. During FNaW 2, Luigi takes more and more control of Richard until eventually taking full control. In FNaW 3, Peach takes over and will kill Max and then the player if the bad ending is obtained.

Lucas Mcroy: We're finally talking about the legend himself! Lucas Mcroy was the man responsible for Morning Star and the tragedies that it brought. He is also the father of Richard Mcroy, and is dead in most timelines at the time of FNaW 1. His face is the cover of Star Prophet and people have speculated that he is the prophet that Waluigi speaks of in the book.

Arno Pro: Incase people want to know what font was used in FNaW 3 and FNaW Origins, now you know it's Arno Pro. Thanks Iaon for including this... I guess?

V1.0 Designs: We've already talked about this but brief rundown, 3 characters looked different to how they do now. Look back at the V2.0 Designs part for info on that.

Toad's Diary: If you choose Living Room 3, click on the book that is on the table. This will send you to a page of Toad's Diary, yes the same Toad in FNaW 2. In this entry, Toad explains how he hides in the Tool Storage (Big point number one) to hide from Bowser (Big point number two).

The Overworld: The place of which Entity 00 resides, unlocked by completing the previous games 100% and beating the End Game Quest. The world is twisted with a cabin just for random Wario's sitting down. It's weird.

Now, some of the information given on the chart is for some odd reason not included on the website link version of the Iceberg, so I'll talk about those in code boxes so they are seperated.

FNaW 1 Demo only had the left door: The FNaW 1 demo actually only had 1 door that enemies went to being the left door. Lets be honest here, adding the right door was the best choice.

FNaW:O has no 0 AI Level: This is probably the weirdest set of data in the entire iceberg. In FNaW Origins, you can't actually set Wario, Mario or the Iceberg to 0.

FNaW 4 takes place inbetween FNaW 1 and FNaW 2: This I can understand why it wasn't included, it's been confirmed by the lore twice over now that FNaW 4 is inbetween the events of FNaW 1 and 2 due to Richard being fine and dealing with the spirits in FNaW 1 and insane and possessed in FNaW 2.

FNaW 4 is a nightmare: Yet again, another confirmed aspect of FNaW 4, Richard was indeed having nightmares about the Spirits haunting him through a TV for countless reasons and we already explained why he would be having nightmares about the ghosts specifically.

Colosseum of the First Hard Mode: Probably the least rewarding mode in FSaW, you take twice the damage and enemies are harder. There isn't a reward for beating this mode so, there isn't really a point in playing it.

WASD Keys: When Origins updated to V2.0, you could use the WASD keys to traverse around the diner. This became many peoples preferred way of moving in the factory.

FSaW DX Chili: FSaW DX brought about a new ingredient in Cooking with Emma, the chli, it bounced left and right and you have to drop all parts into the bowl.

FNaW 3 Teaser used FNaW 2 Room Names: In the Teaser Trailer for FNaW 3, the assets for FNaW 2 were used.

Section Three: 2018 Mode Diner

V0.0 Trailer: The date is December 12, 2014. WwwWario has posted the prototype of FNaW 1. How far we have come from such an event. It also showed an old version of Wario in the office exit. It is not the best is all I'll say.

Early FSaW Beta: Soon after the release of the original FSaW, EpicTagey (Hope your doing better if you see this man!) asked WwwWario if he could show an early beta of the game. This was allowe and a video was made. There is a surprising amount of differences in the beta including a beta VIRUS Yoshi design. I'll explain that more in the next section but it was pretty much just the VIRUS Yoshi design in Those Nights at Wario's 3: Infinite Cycle.

FNaW 1 Small Update #1: This was a small patch that was intended for V1.0 that would fix the room name glitch. This never came to be fruition however, only appearing in V2.0.

Rosalina Easter Egg: When you next boot up FNaW Origins, why not go to Night 3 and click on a button on the camera pad, this'll activate a secret on the cameras. The Camera would then turn to what people presume to be Rosalina sending the spirits back in time, Clicking on another camera will make the easter egg disappear and it can only be done once per Night 3 run. It's hard to see to begin with due to a white fog.

FNaW 4 Night 6: A Night that was scrapped V2.0, it was a harder version of FNaW 4's night 5 that brought about a bit of lore.

FNaW O Cutscenes use Wario Land 3 Sprites: There are plenty of uses of the Wario Land 3 sprites in the cutscenes in between nights which gives them such an iconic look.

The Original FNaW Gif: The GIF underneath this was the gif that brought about FNaW. Its reawakening was during brought up during Origins' development, said to be lost to time. Iaon later found in on March 26th 2022


FNaW 3 Beta: Yes, there was an actually beta of FNaW 3 and we have video proof of this to thanks to Dawko and Luigikid playing it on their livestreams. This beta only included the first 2 nights of the game, aka Living Room 1, the Bathroom and the kitchen. there was actually differences in the game that you may not know aobut, such as Yoshi being in the Kitchen originally.

The Confusing section of Bruno in Living Room 3. In the Bathroom, if you check Living Room 3 on the cameras, Bruno has a rare chance of popping up. The reason this is so confusing is because of the lor implications, is it canon or is it not? V1.0 would say yes, but the current lore says no. We just don't know!

Mystery Door handle item not being usable in Living Room 3: Whenever your playing Daytime Quest and you go to the third living room, you may notice that the door handle item is not usable in the living room. This is because of the rooms mechanic, in which you cut the lights of a room to stop Yoshi / Waluigi. Having both the cut lights and the door handle item would be WAY to overpowered!

FNaW 3 was meant to be the end: Yep, you heard that right, FNaW 3 was supposed to be the end of the FNaW franchise as confirmed in the good ending like FNaF 3 was supposed to be the end of FNaF. Then Origins was revealed and disconfirmed that idea.

Declining to sell your soul: The start of the endgame quest has you selling your / Bruno's soul to Entity 01. Accepting starts the quest, however if you say no, you just get sent to the main menu. This is just hilarious to me, you just straight up decline Entity 01 and he's like "Ok bye!"

Subterranean Wario's: Not much is known lore wise about the game, but we have a demo of the game in its... strange glory? It's definitely weird.

r/fnaw_fangame: Yeah theres a subreddit, its not the biggest subreddit and WwwWario has posted a few things on there, but it is mostly active for those who are on the reddit.

Wyoming Incident Music: Lets start with what the heck the Wyoming Incident was. The Wyoming Incident was a case of television broadcast hijacking / hacking in which the hacker interrupted broadcasts and aired their own video. There was disembodied heads with various emotions and poses. This incident is even confirmed as one of the worst hijackings of all time, worse than the Max Headroom Incident (A weird hijacking with a drunk guy getting his behind whacked by a swatter by a female child.) Anyway what has the Wyoming Incident got to do with Viruses? Well in the 2018 mode intro after VIRUS Wario breaks the glass, a ringing is heard before the red screen. Creepy huh!

Mario's hat in the staircase. In Living Room 1, you can check the staircase camera and see Mario's hat at the top, its nothing special thought as it is just an easter egg.

METAL.mp3: A sound that can be heard when getting jumpscared, however you'd need multiple enemies for you to properly hear it.

Bowser was an experiment: Remember when we were talking about M A R I O and i mentioned how Lucas Mcroy sent Bowser to burn the building down? Well the full story describes Bowser as an experiment by Morning Star. This would explain why he is a different colour to normal Bowser and why none of his minions are present in the game.

Ghosts don't attack kids: If there is one things that is normal in any FNaF game, its that the people trying to kill you don't attack children and its the same for FNaW. This is more theoretical however as Max mentions to Edward in the playroom that the music boxes may make the spirits think that children are in the house and will not try to kill you if enough noise is made. I'd say that this is completely believable, heck it may as well be canon (obviously not saying it is). One more bit of evidence that proves that this theory is more than plausible is the fact Mario isn't affected because he can see you in the Playroom.

Eve: The confirmed daughter of Bruno and Dolores Gate, having an unknown disease and needs treatment. Bruno would gamble to try and get money to pay for treatment, causing him to turn to the Hamburger Recipe. After Entity 01 is defeated, Eve is healthy and presumed cured and questions where Bruno is, to which Dolores reassures her that he will be coming back. In the end, Bruno still got his happy ending.

The Witch's Curse: The book that gave cursed Wario and his friends in exchange for money was created by Witches during the 14th century. It was made to use spells and worship Entity 01 and hopefully bring about his come-uppance to the real world. The Witches were located underneath the location of the factory, however the caves are now abandoned and one of the witches heads still roams around the caves.

DK is a hallucination: In FNaW 3 and FSaW:DX's the factory, DK can be spotted in Bedroom 2 and the Storage room respectively. The reason he is a hallucination is due to the fact he can't kill you. This can be because of the pills in the bathroom (only applying to Bedroom 2 weirdly enough) and the oxygen levels being low in the storage.

Morning Star: The company that Christopher Peterson and Lucas Mcroy worked for. The Company experimented on things including time and space. The original locations (WarioWare inc. building) as where M A R I O was partially unleased. The Company then moved to a House with a green door as stated in FNaW 4.

Waluigi take Wario's Route: Kind of an anticlimactic finish to the section but it's worth bringing up. In the Demo of FNaW 1, Waluigi took Wario's route, of which the storage pose was reused for the Machinery and the Freezing Room was left unused. However, in the files you can still find the rooms that Waluigi was in.

Electricity: A common theme is presented between each of the games, and no it isn't undead plumbers. I'm talking about electricity. Electricty is associated with Entity 0 and is the weakness of VIRUS, Emma and Entity 01, the power in FNaW 1, 2 and Origins uses power and FNaW 3 has the Cellars shock mechanic.

Ghosts can sense light from far away: In the kitchen call in FNaW 3, Max says that ghosts can sense light from afar, although not when it is flashing in their face. That doesn't make sense as if the fuel is used with no one in the room, Wario will kill you but Luigi never does. Maybe only certain spirits can sense light from a distance?

FNaW Halloween Week: 5 whole days of FNaW in October! The FNaW Halloween Week introduced us to many Fangames, the FNaW Archives Book 1, a demo to Subterranean Wario's and of course, FNaW Deluxe.

Old Wario in the Freezing Room: It's not secret that the Freezing Room pose for Wario has been changed. It went from being straight from a low poly game like Super Mario 64 DS to a render by jeb_yoshi, much more smooth.

CO,AG: The comma is meant to represent a dot, but I don't want to accidentally send people to a website they don't want to. Anyway, they are the composer for the ambience in the games, often used from FNaW 2 onwards.

Deluxe Screenshot references OG FNaW 1 Screenshots: Not including the Cellar screenshot, all screenshots on the FNaW Deluxe page actually mimic the original FNaW Page. Pretty cool if you ask me!

Old MFGG thread: Some of the conversations in this were irrelevant, but on an old website called MFGG, there was a thread dedicated to FNaW. This even included the idea for Wario getting his 2nd set of teeth!

Section Four: Post-Game Night

'Woden' Remote: Probably the lamest start to a section yet, but in FNaW 4, you can buy a Wooden Remote for 500 coins in the shop. However you don't actually get a Wooden Remote, you get the Woden Remote. Obviously a simple misspell on WwwWario's behalf.

Gray Key: After beating both of FNaW Origins' max modes and getting to Night 4 again in 1988 mode, you can find a gray key in the basement. Clicking on the key gives you access to a dark room in the storage on Night 1 where Emma is seen afterwards. From here going to the 2018 mode extras will give you a small portion of Emmas hair on the Right screen, clicking on it takes you to a secret night. The secret night only has 1 room over and over again. The phone buzzes and you get a notifications where it says "Informing all workers that that that that that that." and then "THAT THAT THAT" over and over again. After a few more seconds, text appears saying "DO YOU REALLY THINK THESE GAMES WILL WORK?" before the 6AM screen, glitching out appears. This could've been one of the Quest Mode Items (More on that later.)

christopher_teaser: An easter egg can be found in FNaW 1's game over screen. Clicking on Wario's nose in the game over screen allows you to hear a laggy version of one of Christopher's audio logs in FNaW 4's End Playtest Sequence. Give a check out if you want!

Office Customization: In the 2.0 version of FNaW 2, you can get certain decorations for your office. Well you were originally intended to be able to put the items in certain spots depending on what you had. It was scrapped because it did not look good at all and it was too complicated.

In Memory of Satoru Iwata: A piece of text in FNaW:O has an entry name for Satoru Iwata. Satoru Iwata was the fourth president and chief executive officer of Nintendo from 2002 - 2015 from which he unfortunately passed away. FNaW:O was being produced during his death and thus this text was to be included, but wasn't. All I can say is Rest in Piece Satoru Iwata.

Pre-Release Camera Maps: The Camera maps in the final product of a game were obviously not the first and final, with FNaW 1 having the most versions. However, the other games did have map changes such as FNaW 3 not having certain rooms and FNaW Origins not connecting the Bathroom to the Basement... Why was that even chosen?

"Don't let her know of this": A scrapped piece of text found in the max mode ending. For such a small bit of text, its strange how it was scrapped with it supposed to replace the text "Don't let her know."

Old Daytime Quest Skins: Not only were camera maps changed before release, but the Daytime Quest skins were also changed! There were 3 skins that were made by WwwWario, 'The Good Ol' Days', 'The Apple' and an unnamed and unused Mario Skin. The Skins were later remade by BRIE.

The Original Living Room 4: When V3.0 of FNaW 3 came out, a secret update was released soon after, a room was spotted on the top right of the extras when hovering over the map once you beat the first 5 games 100%. Clicking the room sent you to the fourth living room, where after a few seconds a dry Wario head appeared and the game closed. This obviously doesn't happen in the game now because of the Endgame Quest.

Metronome Wasn't an Item before: In the Night items section of the intro to the Daytime Quest, there isn't a metronome. either the Metronome was added after the HUD was made or the Metronome was added last second, either way it is a mystery as to why it isn't there.

Daytime Quest Shop is always on sale: Have you ever noticed that on the shop, the word "SALE" is sideways on the shop. This technically means that the items are cheaper than what they normally would be.

Achievements had the Bruno Bathroom Background: In the 2.0 trailer for FNaW 1, the achievements were actually the bathroom with Bruno there. This was most likely changed to not give away where to get "The Murderer" Achievement.

Old Colosseum of the First: The old Colosseum of the First was a much harder version of the Final Show in The Theatre in which you always play as Bruno. This gives us the lore that Entity 01 created Emma before saying "I am God."

Jack Thatcher 2003 reference: Context time!


This Reddit post is a basic introduction to what the Jack Thatcher 2003 thing even is, following the events of someone who went missing in December 2003. Well the intro to The Theatre shares a very similar resemblance to the Jack Thatcher video. It is slightly different such as the lack of creepy faces (including one from the I AM GOD creepypasta thing from 4chan), the fact it says you aren't physically alive anymore and the theatre is tricking you. Overall its a strange connection to make... How did people even find this out?

FNaW 2 End Mario jumpscare: In the ending for FNaW 2 you can see Mario's cap on the bottom right and clicking it will make Mario jumpscare you. I don't think this sends you back to the main menu without putting you at Night 6, but I could be wrong.

Beta VIRUS Yoshi: Now we get to talk about Beta VIRUS Yoshi!


This is what VIRUS Yoshi looked like before being replaced with the VIRUS Yoshi we know today, he's red and despite it not being on here, he has realistic human teeth underneath that... Nose?

2016 Mode: This is actually 2018 mode, confirmed by the fact that it is found in the files and names of the 2018 mode frames. It was most likely changed due to conflictions in the lore.

FNaW Remastered 2016: An official remaster of the original FNaW 1 by WwwWario and The64thGamer. There was supposed to be unique mechanics and the models would be from Smash 4. In the end, the game was cancelled due to a lack of motivation.

The FSaW:DX ARG: As FSaW:DX was being finished off, WwwWario launched an ARG like idea where the community found a server called LUIGIWARE which would've been destroyed. After a little bit of time, the date was revealed (September 26th 2021) and the LUIGIWARE server was kept.

FNaW2 Doors: In the files of FNaW 2, 2 wooden doors were discovered. Later in an EpicTagey video where he discussed unused content, WwwWario told Tagey that the doors were originally going to be used for the backroom.

"You are forbidden to know my electrical conductor": Back at Entity 00 for that binary once again, this time exploring more about why it is this line specifically. Well people have theorised that Wario is not supposed to know of the Overworld and that he himself is an electrical conductor for Entity 00.

The Old Reverse All-Out Mode: In the base game of FSaW, the Reverse All-Out mode only changed the order of which you played the shows, having the Final Show be the first show you played. The Mechanics or pieces of text were not reversed.

Mario In Entrance 1: You may or may not remember when you played FNaW 1 that on Night 5 or 6, you saw Mario in Entrance 1. Well, that was pretty lucky, but it was simply just an easter egg.

Peach in the corridor: There is an unused pose / image of Peach in the Corridor, most likely used when Entrance 2 and the Machinery were not connected. However, the rooms were later connected and thus the room image was scrapped. The Pose however was re used in the control room.

FNaW 4 Beta: During the devlopment of FNaW 4, a beta was released for certain people to record it including 3 nights. It was later leaked to the public on the Old / more popular FNaW Wiki.

Luigi willingly died in the first timeline: In the lore, Luigi willingly allowed Bruno to kill him with a rope, as he believed this would stop the curse after he read the book that Wario put away in the cellar.

V0.0 trailer uses FNaC jumpscare sound: At the end of the FNaW V0.0 trailer, Wario was accompanied by the FNaC jumpscare sound effect.

Deluxe Map Improvement / Change: I call this an improvement as the Map for FNaW Deluxe was completely revamped to make the rooms look more realistic when turned into a camera based map. It even includes an entire new layer for the Cellar!

FNaW1 Leftovers: In the code of FNaW 2 to Origins, there is a lot of leftover assets and code from FNaW 1 that go unused.

Machinery in Origins: During the night 5 call, Winslow mentions that they have moved boxes in the machinery room to the attic window, allowing you to see when the fuse box is going to deactivate.

Section Five: Gray City

FNaW 1 Beta: WwwWario had released a supposed windowed version of the FNaW 1 Demo, but it was actually a 3 night beta for the game!

The Cellar has two brick wall patterns: In the cellar show, one of the tasks is to inscribe a code into 4 bricks onto a wall. It may seem like the code is random each time but its most likely the same atleast 3 times in a row. People say that there is a 50/50 chance to get 1 brick wall pattern or another.

Imgur Images: In January of 2016, many imgur images where shown on twitter when FusionZGamer wanted images for thumbnails. I can't find much on any of this even turning to Imgur itself, if anyone can find one of these imgur images, it'd be much appreciated!

Luigi's FNaW 2 Custom Night Portrait: In the files of FNaW 2, there is a luigi portrait in the style of the FNaW 2 portrait during 2.0. WwwWario could've done this for fun, or he was planning on adding Luigi, but that would complicate the lore by quite a bit.

If you check the files of FNaW 2 v5.0, you can find several v2.0 logos with the version number being v5.0 and the text being orange. These were most likely the old logos prior to them being switched out.

"Thank you for all of the support.": We've got a wholesome one next, if you press SPACE on the Origins disclaimer screen, you can reveal a piece of text thanking everyone for supporting the series.

Mario being headless was an accident: Back in 2015, Mario's design was such a unique choice. However, it was actually a mistake on WwwWario's part as he accidentally removed the head Polygon leaving the eyes and moustache.

Dry Wario head in Disclaimer: In the FNaW 3 Disclaimer Screen, looking in the top right may show nothing, but if you brighten a screenshot of the image up, you may just about see the Dry Wario Head.

First FNaW2 Teaser: On the 14th January 2015, a teaser was posted with Wario jumping at the player saying "I WILL... RETURN." This was the first teaser for FNaW 2. Whilst I couldn't find this myself, there is a slightly later teaser only 2 days later. At the end of the WwwWario's "Behind the Scenes" Of FNaW 1, he gives a small teaser of the Hallway in FNaW 2 with Wario coming down it as lightning strikes.

Yoshi in the Kitchen: In the FNaW 3 beta played by Dawko and Luigikid, Yoshi was originally in the Kitchen, replacing Wario. It's unknown why Yoshi was scrapped from this room however.

Nights Completed Tracker: In the 2.0 trailer for FNaW 3, the Daytime Quest originally had a Nights Completed tracker with 7 dots. Later into development, both the 7 nights (reduced to 6) and the tracker were scrapped in development.

The Factory AI levels are reversed: This is a strange one, but for some reason in the FSaW:DX Factory, the equation for calculating movement is flipped. This means that the higher the AI is set, the slower they will be and vice versa.

End of Demo Texsts: In (most) of the games, there is a demo text that shows the end of the Demo, usually stating the end of the demo. The only game where this is different is FNaW 1, where it says "End of Beta."

CPC Universal: I don't know HOW this community found out that the remote from Five Nights at Wario's 4 was from CPC universal from certain screenshots of the game but thats just another impressive feat of this community.

Parsec: A program where you can join people's games through their computer. FNaW 4 uses it for the Multiplayer Mode.

The Hallway: A video was posted where someone is walking through an unknown building before peeking at a hall that Waluigi resides in, then going up to him. Waluigi is then shown from the side where he turns his head.

VIRUS Mario Shell:


We now know that Origins Mario is actually the shell for the real VIRUS Mario as seen in FSaW. If that doesn't make you feel satiated then I don't know what will satiate you.

Mario in the third Living Room: Returning to the 3rd Living Room, there is a Mario Jumpscare and parts of Mario's Code. The Cut Content video that Tagey made that revealed who Yoshi replaced proves that he was going to be apart of the night, but was scrapped early on. Also, the MFA (Multimedia Fusion Application, aka the way people make these games) say "ASHLEY".

F2 Key: Many Clickteam games allow you to restart the application by pressing F2, thus bypassing FSaW's Anti-Cheat before DX came out.

FSaW Bruno insane sprite: In the Discord Server. WwwWario posted a Bruno Sprite with an enlarged smile and insane eyes with... the caption "WHEN THE FACTORY IS SUS"...
I want to die.

Original Dry Wario: The Original Dry Wario in FNaW 3 was actually not the original, the original had orange eyes instead of purple and it was made for halloween. An Orange Eyed Dry Wario would be a great skin for a fangame.

FNaW Origins V1.0 Max Mode Difficulty: The old Max Mode was said to be near impossible / impossible at times, only being beaten by very, very few people. Good thing that was changed in the 2.0 update.

20 Ingredients: If you think 15 ingredients is too much in Cooking With Emma, you should atleast be thankful it wasn't 20! In the trailer, Cooking with Emma had 20 ingredients instead of 15.

True Emma: If we turn to Subterranean Wario's and go to the picnic on Day 3, True Emma will fade in slowly, going another square over will cause her / them to disappear. It is unknown what this could imply.

Dragon Boss Fight: The name of the original Final Show Theme, which often got copyrighted when recording FSaW.

Lawn's Supermarket: In FNaW 4's Night 2 report, a Supermarket called "Lawn's Supermarket" would be opening, potentially just being a world building.

Section Six: The Theatre

YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING: If you go through the start of the Gray key mode up until you have unlocked the Secret Night by clicking Emma in the 2018 Extras, if you instead start a new 2018 game, you'll get a piece of text (most likely from Emma) saying "YOU THINK I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING."

Quest Mode in Origins: In the MFA / Files of FNaW Origins V1.0, many items from 2018 can be found including the gray key. You can even check the Hide and Seek with Luigi frame to see pieces of code that link to a Quest Mode like in FNaW 4. This was most likely scrapped for not working very well.

FSaW:DX Bad Ending: If you fail to Defeat Entity 01 in the "Destroy it" Section of the End-Game Quest, dialogue will play where Entity 01 claims Wario understands what is going on before promptly making him his servant and - presumably - heading to the Overworld. This is the Bad Ending but it is luckily Non-Canon.

FSaW Playing with Power screenshot has an outdated asset: It's less of an outdated asset and more of "yet to program in" asset. If you check the FSaW Page and check the Playing with Power Screenshot, you'll notice that the Flash doesn't actually have a cost and there is no power button on the computer.

The Impossible AI: In the FNaW 1 Night code, Waluigi randomizes his movement every 7.5 seconds and if we use the Custom Night AI, this would mean Waluigi's Night 5 AI was 17.5, you can't have .5th of an AI!

Q Debug key: For some odd reason, in the Endless Classic mode and normal classic mode of FNaW 2 V5.0, Toad will jumpscare you. This was most likely just a mistake on WwwWario's part, forgetting that the key was still in there.

Five Nights at Etika's: A reskin of FNaW 2 by WwwWario himself in honor of Etika for reaching 100k Views. The cast of characters included Etika himself, Cobi, Mewtwo and Shrek. Unfortunately, Etika has passed due to suicide by drowning. RIP Etika.

Dev Updates: Bot FNaW 4 and FSaW had Devlogs deddicated to WwwWario's progress on the games and any thought / complications with making the game, its more apparent in FNaW 4 than FSaW with that last part.

12 Square Map for Safety Terror: In the Files of FSaW, there is a version of Safety terror with 12 squares instead of 9. There are a number of ways that a 12 square map could be possible, like the default or an Insanity Mode exclusive.

Trailer Hallway Ashley: The image below this is a scrapped pose for Ashley in the Hallway. However the pose didn't go to waste as it was reused in the Extras Menu.


fnaw-MURDERER.mp4: Whilst FSaW was being developed, the ever popular video "fnaw-MURDERER.mp4" was released onto his channel. Its highly likely you've seen the video, but to keep it short, its Bruno's face in an analog horror video which revealed the first letter of his middle name.

FNaW Origins Bathroom Closet: In the Cut Content Video, WwwWario said that the Closet in the back of the bathroom of Origins was going to serve a purpose, have it be a secret room or a character coming out.

Old "The Cellar" Intro: In the old versions of The Cellar, the intro had a rhyme which said "Welcome to our grounded show, where it's coming towards your room, 5 minutes is what you have, to prevent your eternal doom." This was replaced.

BrawlBox UI: Short explanation on what BrawlBox is, Brawlbox allows people to take the Smash Bros. Brawl Models and make cool animations out of them, make custom characters or in our case pose characters for a game about undead plumbers. However, when you look at the V2.0 left door asset for Wario, some of the BrawlBox UI is actually in there that you can't see in game.

No Achievments in FNaW 1 v2.0: In a teaser, there was a lack of an achievment button and all the buttons were on the left, most likely being because achievments were not planned prior to this teaser.

No XP in FNaW 2 v2.0: Same story here, just with XP in FNaW2 2.0.

Super Wario 4tune: In FSaW, there is an achievement called "Sneaky as Mr. Cat" where you had to have 9 lives at the end of the final show. In the game Super Wario 4tune, the same achievment could be found, the only difference being you couldn't take any damage in a level. Coincidence! Probably.

Old Record Player Music: looking into the files of FNaW:O, an old version of music played on the record player. This was most likely for the scrapped Quest Mode, but was repurposed and remade for 2018 mode.

Section Seven: The Exit

Emma's Note: There is an easter egg in FNaW 4's Week 3 application where development plans for the FNaW World are shown. Part 2 of the Full Story gives more info about this and lines up with what Entity 0 actually is.

Negative XP Level: This ones an interesting one, if you set your level to a negative number in FNaW 2, no XP can be gained and there is no decorations in the Office. There isn't a check for the number of the level you are in the game.

Endless Classic Mode Custom Night: In FNaW 2's MFA, there was an old arrangement of the Custom Night without the chaellenges in the Endless Classic Mode Menu. That would have been too easy, being able to set everyone to 0 and rack up points easily would be way to easy.

Troll Demos: It can't be a FNaF Franchise without at least one official troll demo. WwwWario posted 3 troll demos, one for Origins and FNaW 4 V2.0 and FSaW:DX when they were in development.

The Exit Mcroy Mansion: In the base Game of FSaW, there is an unused frame called "The Exit Mcroy Mansion" with an image of the first Living Room. This could mean one of a few things. One, the exit was meant to be in the Mcroy Manor to begin with or two, the exit was going to have alternate modes.

Yoshi in the Staircase: An image that was meant to be a teaser for FNaW 3 before the release of the game. It is a twitter post by WwwWario thanking people for watching the Beta Steams by Dawko and LuigiKid. We can even see the original staircase intro.


Beta VIRUS Wario: In the FSaW Files, an unused animation of VIRUS Wario with eyebrows and no glowing eyes can be found. It could've been a jumpscare due to the context of the room but that's all we don't know much else.

demonstration: GROWING STRONGER: A video posted on WwwWario's channel, starting with Wario and a voice saying "Copying Entity flesh form." We then see a transformation into Demon Wario. This is most likely Emma copying Wario's form, ever so slightly corrupting it.

READING!!!!!!: Just like you are right now! Jokes aside, this is yet another video that follows the same layout as demonstration: GROWING STRONGR. In this one, we see Wario reading a book with a Text-to-Speech before cutting to FNaW 1's "You are not allowed to enter the factory when it's closed" screen. This represents Wario cursing his friends and causing them to come back as spirits.

luigi.mp4: A video in an unknown area with Luigi standing then hanging. This video doesn't really have any implications, but I theorise it has something to do with the murder scene, specifically the first timeline where Wario first reads the book. Luigi accepts his fate in that one and I presume a similar thing happens in the video.

The Man Twitching: Going out of bounds in Subterranean Warios will cause you to see "The Man" next to his well, twitching. He won't stop until you go in bounds.

"I call it bull****": This is a PG post don't worry. A Quote said in a youtuber FNaW 2 demo when WwwWario was voice acting Richard. This was the only swear word to be documented in a FNaW Game if we stick to the main 6 (FNaW to FSaW:DX)

S̵̡̩̔͋ẹ̵͌c̴͚͋͜ṯ̸̊̓ḯ̶͍o̶͔̬̊͐ǹ̵̰̟̍ ̵͊̏͜E̶͖͓̿ī̴̡͇͋g̶̰̺̽h̶̹̲̽̆t̶̙͐:̸͕̟̃͂ ̵̯́̅Ṫ̷͈h̷̰̔͠è̸̝ ̷̳̯̿O̷̰͙͛̑v̷̡̭̈ẽ̴̙͚ṛ̷͎̓͘w̸̭̝̉ǫ̶͇̎r̷̨̼̃̅l̴̡̬͑d̷͇͒͐

FNaW4 Bluescreen easter egg: When booting up the game for first time, you may be able to get a blue screen when using the most right computer in the End Playtest. The Method of obtaining this is to stay private, and I'm a man of fairness and honesty.

FNaW Zero: At the end of a fangame stream by WwwWario, he showed a test game called "fnaw_zero_v2", with it being unknown if it was a scrapped FSaW or not.

Colosseum of the First Level Creator: In an unused frame in FSaW DX's MFA, the title of which being COTF Level Creator, you could have made your own Colosseum of the first! But it was scrapped because it was too complicated to code.

Khinsider: Khinsider is that website where you can get music of games incredibly easily and FSaW:DX was no exception. But the cool thing is, it was posted by DiceGames, one of the directors of the ever popular JR's!

Arrow in FNaW 2 Teaser: Instead of the green bakgroom button, there was teal arrow to go back in one of FNaW 2's teasers. Why it was scrapped we have no idea.

FNaW 4 Bad Ending: After Reading Christophers note, a frame called "bad ending the end" would be loaded. There are two pieces of text when looking deeper, outdated credits text and text that read "THE END"

Playing with Power accessed via the Final Show?: Definitely weird to say, but in the Final Show, many of the assets are from another game called Dashies Puhrfect Perfection, one of which being a DK coin. By using a bug in which Mario jumps forever, the coin above the falling meteors section can be collected, to which an animation is played and you're sent to Playing with Power on Normal Difficulty.

FNAW MERCH: FNaW Merch was planned but it was crossing a legal line and was cancelled very quickly.

Unknown FNaW 4 Easter Egg: If the personalization value is set to specific numbers, Wario may just have his mouth open at all times in the main menu.

FNaW 3 early lost screen: jeb_yoshi found some early screens of FNaW 3 that weren't shared to the public by WwwWario. We have no idea what these were for.



Next up

- Be careful when wandering out at night, unless you come across the Swamp Stalker of the Baobab Swamps -



Why the heck did this random website put my games on this leaderboard thing-

Like seriously? I didnt even know this was a thing till now.

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TAF 0!!! (art by @_Mallie_ )

Just spend the past 2 hours 40 minutes with these random guys on the internet getting 130 stars on an SM64 rom hack.

Holy hell was it fun. Genuinely the funniest session of gaming I've had.

For those who don't have discord (or haven't used it often), WwwWario, NumberOneJenny and jeb_yoshi will be hosting another FNaW Direct! To celebrate the announcement, I decided to make some art for the event!


Yall can have a teaser for a later TWF, when I make it idk, but its cool.