Project(Vasya):New Tales to Nightmares

3 months ago

Remember, if this game is like Five Nights with Froggy, then the game is different from Froggy p.s We're a little unkind to Gleb Kapustin, so we're not forcing you to hate on him or anything like that.... it's our fault

It's full translation

Remember, if this game is like Five Nights with Froggy, then the game is different from Froggy p.s We're a little unkind to Gleb Kapustin, so we're not forcing you to hate on him or anything like that.... it's our fault, we apologize a lot for this terrible shame (sorry for the English language, I'm just translating it from Yandex)



Next up


После этого комментария я сыел кирпич

Я уже заебался делать эту игру

Гж днище полное......

Не пофиксил баги

p.s я пришёл со школы....

И там такая длинная история...

И так девлог....

Did bro just use his rizz 😭

Concept N.1