3 years ago

Removing BilledJoker from devloment.


Sweeteam has decided to remove BilledJoker from our Modeling Branch, and thus removing him from the entire team. He has not done much for the team and we need to make sure that this game is the best it can be. His models do not meet our standereds, as they were made in THINKERCAD and were low effort. When he started using blender, his models were in someways worse.

We were faced with a choice, keep him for no good reason, or remove him.

After 2 days of going back and fourth, we decided to remove him to prevent further issues.

Thank you for your undertstanding.


CEO of Sweet Team



Next up

Back to the basics.

*uwu music stops*

Only 18 of you have been blessed with the demo. DOWNLOAD IT BEFORE ITS GONE!

You guys really like us, don't you?

Very soon, play Morse Shooter with no teasers! That means you can get as many points as you want, or even download the orginal! Both of these will be out later today when we finish the updates.

Yeah, the Demo was a joke. But Kane Carter shooting flying morses was so cool we want to talk about it.

Happy Trans Visiblity Day!

Part of a model.

Doing this instead of the demo