2 months ago

Reported User: Nicolas Maduro

My name: Sanaxs

Reported user: NicolasMaduro

Reason: Harassment, hacking and ██████.

A few days ago I was playing Don't Forget with a friend to pass the time and kill boredom; We had gone through each area of the map while touching different conversation topics randomly. when we got to this weird area of the ruins (I don't remember what it's called, sorry), we decided to stop and talk without being constantly on the move. After talking for a while, I had thought of taking a photo to remember that (not so) beautiful day...But just at the moment I was going to take the photo something strange happened.

As you can see in the first image, Nicolas Maduro was there behind me, it was something my friend and I did not expect, we tried to talk to him, but there was no response...but that wasn't the worst part; we were also both BANNED seconds later.

We were both confused and unsure of what had happened, or well, although the answer is more than clear. Was Nicolas Maduro a hacker? Most likely yes, I don't see any other explanation.

Now...for a while now we can't access Don't Forget due to the ban, so we just leave it aside (plus it's not a game we enter frequently), but a few moments ago Nicolas Maduro got my Discord tag, how did he do it? I have no idea to be honest, and that's what somehow bothers me, but you'll know why when you see the following screenshots.

He invited me to a server, I entered out of curiosity and the moment I joined he started spamming █ ███████ ██ ███ ███████ ████ ████ (I'm a minor, by the way). Please, I kindly ask you to ban this user to avoid future problems and thus establish a better gaming experience, thank you very much.

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we won,,,,

Reported palyer: LGBTQ (4614787)

Reason: Inaproprite name.

undernet art thingy idk 2

❤ DF CONNECTED v2.7.12 is available now!

This patch adds a new notification system, rewritten movement, improvements for auto-reconnect, engine tweaks, a small update for the DF Editor, and more!

(Read inside for the complete changelog!)

undernet art thingy idk

purple guy

My name: aaaaaaaaaaae

Reported user: LGBTQ

Reason: Innaproprite Name

undernet art thingy idk 3

EDIT: slightly updated


(Playable version in PROGRESS.)

hacking in grillbys