JOLLY PHASE 2 (2025)
2 years ago

results of the first vote

low range:correct

mid range:incorrect

high end:incorrect

I will make a second vote for medium and high range with their communities



Next up

Something needs to be clarified, and that is that it probably won't leave for some countries at the same time, I'll use Mexico as an example, in Chile it's 3 hours later for them, well, just that needs to be clarified.




the animatronic voted was Reboted Jollibee's

sorry if it's so late, the truth is that I have other things to do, but here it is, and here also the almost official logo, just need to add lights and correct one or more errors

Where Is Fangame Direct 2?

okay, I'll say something, finally I'll pass the profile of jolly phase 2 from 2D to 3D, here I dye springtrap details

long night

despues de casi 2 meses sin publicar nada, hoy me anime con una foto que me dio bauty de un boceto de un mapa, despues de casi 4 meses desde el lanzamiento de la pagina de jolly phase 2, ya tengo un mapa

Merry Christmas belated (maybe) I hope you have or are having a good time, next week I will upload drawings with a track from jolly phase 1, stay tuned

Spotted this near my job. #HappyAnniversaryJ4

devlog 2:I will try to be a little more active, here is the body of rebooted jollybee, one without smoothing and the other smoothed 2 times,see you maybe the next 5 days? goodbye