Green Jerry's Android Port Collection

21 days ago

Reuploaded this port to my port collection page, because this game's original page got unlisted.

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New port is out: The Last Shift.

Find it on the game's original page:

New game I'm making as a little side project, was getting a little bored and started working on it last week.

Game page link:

New port is out: Five Nights at Emulator's Test & Show.

Find it on the game's original page:

Hypnagogia Sticker Pack

I helped with @LorenStudio 's newest port and it has been released just now, go play it:…

THIS GAY PERSON RAHHHHHHHH!! I LOVEEE JAKE HGYHUIOSRGRGUAUAUAUAGRH the first one isn't henry but jake from an swap Au, basically jake takes henry's place and henry jake's place!! and thats their design it really doesn't change, only the height!!

If @Chrowden ports FNaW Deluxe before I start working on my port of that game, I'll cancel my port.

Someone requested him to port it, and it was one of the choices on his latest poll.

This is from the latest announcement on #other-announcements in the FNaW Discord server, it seems like the official RTTF ports are going to be uncanceled at some point in the future.

Typical discord call with the boi's

New port is out: Five Nights with Piglet's: Remastered (Version 2.0).

Find it on the game's original page: