Rocket Shipment

4 years ago

Rocket Shipment CHANGELOG v0.3.2

- Added ability to edit gates that are already placed in level editor

- Added ghost preview of currently selected object in level editor

- Added new collision sound for ship colliding with platform

- Implemented escape button always working, even when exit functionality is remapped



Next up

Release date has been set!

Update v0.8.0: Introducing powerups

Rocket Shipment CHANGELOG v0.9.0

Saving the Lost Ones, a cage at a time 👻

Update v0.5.0 featuring new conveyor tiles

Short video on the progress of our game♥

Update v0.6.0: Improving player experience

Update v0.7.0: Lowering difficulty

Rocket Shipment CHANGELOG v0.10.0 - Introducing new crates!