One Vile Weekend at Vincent's
6 days ago

Rocky development + why on hiatus

So uhh, yeah. Some of you noticed that I’ve been pretty quiet about the development of this game, for a good reason.

The development for this game has been… Well… Rocky…

One of the coders for this game, rinify decided to step away from the game since they didn’t want to code for it anymore, mainly because of stuff going on in their life, which I completely understand. (They are still in the credits because they provided the mfa for the game)

I really wanted to keep everything silent because I wanted to get a trailer out, but I couldn’t due to slow progress.

I think it’s mostly my fault for not giving enough resources for the coders.

If I knew how to code, I would get this game done myself, but guess what, I don't. And I’m not ready for that chapter in my life yet.

I’m currently trying to find another coder, which is going to take a while, and I really want to get a professional coder, not just some guy who’s just started using it and barely has experience.

Another problem I have with this game is with the gameplay. It’s. Fucking. Atrocious. Idea after idea after idea, the office went through several redesigns, mechanics have been constantly changing, because I want this game to be actually fun and interesting with the gameplay.

Ik this is a fnaf fangame and bringing something new to the table would be impossible and the gameplay's just the same as any other fangame but still.

I really thought I was having fun with developing with this game but I'm not, well mostly...

This game is put on hiatus is because I wanna try to think things out more, and I actually want to have fun making something I'm proud of. The fact that this game was in development hell in almost a year is just devastating to me.

Your probably asking, why are you such a freak about profession, I rather not get into details since it's complicated...



Next up

a 2016 FNAF Fangame that felt like a fever dream that's now lost. (Ik I already made a post like this but I decided to remake it)

I still can’t take this stupid ass upcoming mascot horror game seriously because there’s a character named “Gay Gecko”

Fun free safe my ass.

At the end bluey brian gets hit by a car.

News regarding the development. Indefinite Delay - True classic for a FNAF Fan Game right?

Look at this clown 🤡🤡🤡

LimesSquareFace my ass! Lmao

After 4 months, my retrospective and (way) over-analysis of the Five Nights at Treasure Island series is OUT NOW!!

wow how fucking funny.

golden freddy takes a crap


How do I know you're not a white m&m-