26 days ago

Rose and Sparky Matt!!.

This is when it was 1900s yeah they're wearing that old outfits from the 1900s and 1800s so they're from the 1900s so Rose was born in 1938 and the fourth month and the 10th so yeah and Sparky was born in 1938 too but he is couple months older than Rose













Next up

This is a kind of cat forgotten candy is

A mountain lion

I'm scared of posting this here

(This is what his corpse looks like after getting eaten, I made this with my imagination btw)

You see the mess 5-year-olds if you scroll backwards you'll see them as 12-year-olds

Anyways their names are Tim and Tara Tim is the white one and the pink reddish one is Tara

Mercilus Payback

Sad past.....

Bee the Fox for ((@en-en ))

After going apeshit, here's fanart

Rose and her son Ian again 💖