30 days ago

running checks for full json compatibility now, just the final lint changes to go

this will be VERY experimental once its deployed



Next up

maybe not. this'd require like, 3 new extensions and i dont want to open vsc for at least a month. im tired.

Happy Pride Month! 🌈🥳

I would, Scratch, I would 😐

I'm considering overhauling the entire UI to make it look less like Scratch and more like its own thing.

Please keep in mind this is concept art and not final (hence why there's no blocks or sprite pane and stuff)

I need your honest thoughts.

If I click this and it comes back as str- BAHAHAHAH WHAT A JOKE

🥱🥱💤 oh uh ahem.. hi.

I thought y'all might want this so uh.. coming soon

I did a bad thing.

Scratch mods that use the original Animated Text (excluding TurboWarp/Unsandboxed) are using it illegally. Fun!

The implementation in Unsandboxed is going to be a lot more refined than whatever the fuck this is...

This, by the way, is why you don't port over random features from other unfinished mods! :)

You can now select a brand new "Rainbow" accent in both TurboWarp and Unsandboxed.

And yes, they're here to stay. Happy Pride Month, everyone!