After a long development cycle, 90% of which was procrastinating on adding the birds even though it wasn't difficult at all (though that ease came at the cost of giving them dialogue), S.A.T.T.M.Y.F 0.3.0 has been released. At this point I would say the game is 60% complete.
New Features:
Added bird NPCs
Finished fish behavior
Added spookyworld
Revamped title screen
Other things ... !!!
Add Slug arcade minigames + other onesAdd beginningand ending scenesFinish Spookyworldand eggtvworldFinalize title screen
Only the second item of this list should take long if I focus on development.
Known bugs:
Music in Spookyworld does not play properly (I already fixed it but don't feel like exporting the project all over again).
Now I return to obscurity for another 3 months or so...