4 years ago

SAVE our SOULS: An Undertale Story - sample art

Hey there! Just thought I'd share a bit of what I'm doing. For the past couple years, I've had an idea floating around in my head that I only just recently went public with, and to drum up interest I thought I'd share a bit of the art I've been working on related to the project!

I'm one of the devs for Undertale: The Otherground, as well as the Undertale Bits and Pieces mod! I also beta test for Undertale Yellow. I've been a part of the community for a while now, albeit a rather quiet one. But for a long time, I've had an idea in my head for an Undertale fan game. One wherein a ragtag band of monsters escaped undetected during the war and found a new place to live.

Now thriving, the one thing holding them back is a great storm that turned their refuge into a prison. Tensions rose on the island, and now the first true ray of hope appears: a living human, whose SOUL is ripe for the taking. The one key to surviving the storm and enacting revenge on the humans. No barrier to break, nobody hanging onto other SOULs for a rainy day. You are the first and last living human and your very presence will bring out new friends and foes alike!

I'm on the lookout for people who might be willing to assist with the game. Currently, it's only poody_blue and I working on the game. We need programmers, artists, writers, musicians, basically a bit of everything. If you like the samples you've seen and read, feel free to message me and show me some of your work! Combat won't be identical to the Undertale format, there will be some modifications, so keep this in mind when offering to help. It will be a mix of standard UT bullet hell as well as platforming elements similar to that of OTHER. Copying the Undertale engine line for line or using CYF won't be enough. Message if you're up for the challenge!



Next up

Roll portraits! Wonder what these are for...?

Reposting since this got ejected without reason... again. She/it only please!

Rando Art Challenge! Transform this into a masterpiece of the Renaissance era. Use the tag #renaissance to show off your creation! (Tag an artist in the comments to let them know)

More plushie sprites!

DELTATRAVELER - v3.0.6 Update

The Vessels from the Scarlet Swarm AU, Ardentia and Vestige! Both belong to Graphic Ginger, and I highly recommend checking out their DARKSIDE Hollow Knight animation!

Here's a complete plushie collection with a background, just for funsies

TS!Underswap - Soup'd Up

More fantastic UT:SOS fan art by @Burned_Traveller !