School Haunt
9 years ago

School Haunt Update #3

Hello, everyone! This is KatanaHiroshi, giving you the final update for this year! Oh man, did I actually made an entire correction paper on someone’s horror game? Well, you can check it out but right now, it’s time for an update!


(Definitely something that I should be proud of)
And as always, I’m still at the intro because I’m somewhat uninspired despite achieving a lot of impossible things so far… like defeating the FINAL final boss of Journey to Kreisia on Hard Mode and beating up an Impossible ranked fighter in Shadow Fight 2. Still, since it would transition really quick to the actual game scenario, it would be better if I made it a little complex. I’ve added some visuals to make it look futuristic. After all, we live in a high-tech world full of mysteries that will surely kill us… right? RIGHT?


Even so that I’m actually down with it, I’m still worried that I need to add a little more… like insanely a lot more. But still, the only thing that I really have to deal with are the gameplay mechanics. Seriously, it’s harder than finding a script that’s actually (not) nonexistent. The T.R.A.C.E. System’s really only has 2 common event pages while the M.E.H.? Oh man, you’ll have a dozen of it spamming your common event pages rather than the most useful ones… and of course, my cohorts of mine decided to add an idea…


(She’s not afraid. She’s just conscious of her own damn life.)
And that’s the flashlight modes? And what exactly is the flashlight modes? Well, you can check it out at the Gameplay Mechanics page (exclusive to RMN only).


(Biography of a legend)
The biography still needs to be updated… and the facesets… AND THE FACESETS… We all know that this is gonna happen. And of course, I’ve created some meta info in the USER MANUAL (a.k.a. the help text of the entire game).


[H.P.S. (Holographic Phone System) Menu]
The menu’s still good… until I found something else to replace it. No matter, this menu still looks as futuristic as ever! And the fact that the entire HPS thing that all of the characters have… their inventory system acts as a sort of data storage to them. Seriously, let the HPS scan the damnable thing and it will sealed away as data in the HPS until you decide to use it. No backfires intended when the entire data storage was created… and this was the reason why I had the ‘futuristic’ tag so y’all would know that we live in a futuristic world.


(A system for y’all to remember)
And of course, since you’ll have a lot of tasks in this game… why not have an anti-frustration choice for all of you? This is also lore-wise so you’d better respect the game itself! The objective system allows the player to let them have a navigation setup and lets them remember what they have forgotten… like helping that ghost kid to get his ectoplasmic balloon? Yeah, it would be better if you do so he wouldn’t haunt you, you know.


(Surprise, surprise? Think you’ve forgotten what reality is?)
Before you could ask, what is it? Well, it’s a game difficulty option! YEY! YOU’LL GET HARASSED BY THE GAME IN NO TIME! HA HA! Well, laughs aside, this actually creates the game even random and somewhat unpredictable. The difficulty affects the intensity of the hallucinations, the chases you have, the some-what impossible scenario in which you hide under a bed and you only have a 1% chance of escaping in No Escape Difficulty? And that is why we have the achievement system so you could enjoy your achievements, thank you very much.

This is KatanaHiroshi, saying Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!



Next up


Are mops overrated?

by Zorga

It is time... to make another game.

Short intro of us 💕✌️

We're an eletro duo based in Seoul 🇰🇷 Heavily influenced by the 90s.

Our new album #Xennials is all about the nostalgia of that era 💽 CD listenin 📟 beeper beepin 💾 floppy disks floppin days 😎

Stream now! 🎧…

Have a good Boi

Runestones: from concept to in-game model🗿

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OK, this starts to be too tricky puzzle already :D

#platformer #indiegame #puzzle

We're knee deep in multiple large features and "game feel". Quick peek behind the scenes in this weeks Dev Blog:

Our menu, gathered a huge feedback and positive comments among foreign audience, what you say? Game Steam: