
2 years ago

#screenshotsaturday and why the 4th demo is taking me so long

You're maybe wondering, my guy fezman, what you can't make a text engine, that's like a couple of lines of code!

Well, I can, I made it on the first day of working on it, then what is the problem you may ask?

The problem is selective formatting.

Selective formatting is when you can change every letter individally by using special symbols like § or ¶ and format your text however you like. For example, the § symbol let's you adjust the color and transparency of your text, and the ¶ symbol let's you create clickable text, but instead of just redirecting you to a website, it can also trigger any event in the engine you want!

If you want to understand how to use the selective formatting option in the #fezEngine, you should follow fezEngine or my account and wait for the user documentation to be released.

Now I will explain what is the catch, it's that the selective formatting option takes half of the text engine's code and is very unoptimized. I already shortened the code in some ways (the screenshot provided is when I just created it so it's much better now), but I will be trying to optimize it further and I already have a solution in mind, but I'll leave that for other articles.

Stay tuned for the updates!

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Next up

New advanced batch blocks and debug blocks coming soon!

Now would you look at that, it's fixed! That means that the 4th demo of #fezEngine is near, stay tuned!

fezEngine's text formatting engine is now as advanced as ever

Announcing the Lost In Isolation FNaF Game Jam

The GameJam Starts Friday (submit games below)

Join The Discord For Updates

Hosted by @PlentyXD

Help from @hunterallen_ and me

Art by @Funkilicous and Yellw.00f


You knew Olaf, Ale Abbey's fluffy doggo. Prepare to meet Otto the cat, the monastery Cellar's sleepy restless guardian🍻⛪

You will - indeed - be able to pet them in-game for a bonus in Satisfaction!🐈☺️

#indiegame #petthedog #pixelart #screenshotsaturday

I usually don't do this but for my timezone it's about to hit 2024 and I wish you guys a happy new year

#fezEngine's biggest changelog so far!


Soo fezEngine is kinda pointless now that extensions made scratch usable, it also is not very compatible with scratch because send/receive message blocks are laggy as all hell unless you're using turbowarp which 'mind you has extensions, oh well