2 months ago

Screw zodiac signs, what’s your favorite song from the Eschatos soundtrack?




Next up

single and ready to mingle 👍

AI is clueless.

If this makes any sense to anyone, leave a like.

Can’t you see my condition? The fiction is gonna run it again. Can’t you see now, illusions, right into your mind.

Meet Gia the ships nurse!(kinda) you can find her in the med bay on most days

#BubblyRee #StarfallRebellion

No. No. No nononononononono NO THIS IS BAD

Half the way there!!!!!!

A horrible storm…

AHHHT THANKS FOR 1000 FOLLOWERS EVERYONE! I’m currently working on a starfall rebellion piece rn so stay tuned for that!

#bubblyree #starfallrebellion

People: The Gameboy is an old video game console, it can’t make any sound but beeps and boops.

Me, an intellectual:

(Been messing with Little Sound DJ lately! Making music on real hardware is challenging but super fun!)