Scyndi's Forest Quest
10 years ago

Scyndi's Forest Quest

Scyndi’s Forest Quest is a nice puzzle game that I created prior to the Secrets of Dyrt project. It’s true release was however always held back due to the production of Dyrt.

The game features Scyndi Scorpio, yes the same girl from Dyrt (I gotta note that Dyrt was cancelled 2 times years ago before the game actually came to life for real, so I already had that story line ready for years) got herself stuck in a magic curse and you can get her out by solving puzzles.

I gotta stress, that SFQ is NOT a jewel swapper. You need to DRAG lines or collumns in order to form three-in-a-row and make the stuff pop. Due to this you have a bit of a different thinking line and in your average jewel swapper. And if you think too soon the game is one out of many, give it some more chance. The game can offer you quite a challenge when you are in the higher levels.

Now all I gotta do is to fix a few nasty bugs that are still in there and to align the achievement with the GameJolt API, and we’re ready to go.

Due to some serious issues I have not yet uploaded it here to GameJolt, but if you can’t wait for the “stable” release you can always decide to take a look at the current build which can be downloaded here:

As soon as those issues are fixed I will (of course) upload the stable release here. I still need to study a few things before I can truly announce an ETA.

If you have any questions about the game, don’t hesitate to ask.

See you soon

Jeroen aka Tricky aka Rachel aka Phantasar Productions



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