4 months ago

security in Berlin and Löndonburg has increased in case of terrorism in the cities



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The S.S New Berlin has been renamed to S.S New London! now it's taking passengers from Southampton to New York!

New community is out! Reichstag elections will be out on June 1st! https://gamejolt.com/c/Germany-bws4sp

Paul Von Hindenburg is now president!

Art of the day : light color test

(idk if this is pixel art)

why Austria so shiny

Vote for liberals if you want freedom from the Mrawanites! (All Mrawanites in the empire will also be given rights and luxuries.) https://gamejolt.com/p/we-declare-we-re-holding-the-german-elect…

Everyone in the German empire community, join the British empire community https://gamejolt.com/c/Britain-itkcci

German Empire Countrycube

From : @Felix99

Queen Victoria has greenlighted the creation of the 5 year naval plan, to help build up our navy for future wars or just to scare countries. God save the queen!