2 years ago

Security protocol №3

I-I-I n-don't believe it.... They... they move at night! Eric didn't warn me about this... I tried to call someone, but there was no signal. All I have left is to turn off the lights and wait for my death. But the greatest luck came to me. They didn't see me in the dark. By "them" I mean Zipper and Alex. They just left. I think I need to record this on video at least for a little proof. Maybe I shouldn't come here tomorrow.... I'll think about it. Also, I tried to understand Henry's messages, but I came to nothing. This is going to be the scariest and most interesting situation I've ever found myself in.

by Carey



Next up

New member of the family

Someone is about to enter the gang

❗🦊Second Beta is out🦊❗

Rebooted. [READ ARTICLE]

One of the game mechanics (currently not added)


( A bit late but better now than never ) Some piece of game story and Rewind version of it

❗🦊The content below will be talking about Rewind version of the game, if you are not interested look at the bottom of the post🦊❗

Since i'm trying my best to get myself together to prepare for ma final tests in school and trying to make smth i'll show you what is ready for the game rn

Game demo out now!