I am wondering if I put too many characters in classic night. (does not help that I have a massive skill issue) I will list each character mechanic down and let me know which characters are unnecessary.
PNM, Oswald, Willy: Turn off a cam when they enter. (Note Willy as a 100% chance to be fooled by the desk, PNM has 50% chance to be fooled, and Oswald has a 0% chance to be fooled)
Disembodied, Daisy, Mick Mick: Will pull down your cams and you need to punch them. (Note Mick Mick needs 3 punches to get rid of the other 2 needs to be punched only once.)
Face, Undying, Pete: Hide under the desk when they appear. Face and Undying will kill you, but pete will make it so any cams you shut down will not turn back on.
PN Minnie: When you see her on a cam, shut the cam off, before you switch to another camera.
Ace: His 2.0 mechanic, Disembodied being in your office will delay him.
Impure mouse and God: Hide under the desk, or flip up the cams.
Slester: Blocks your cams that's it.
The current file size for the game is 125,033 KB, if this is normal for a game like this, then tell me that I don't need to remove anything I just need to get good. Any tips will help I want this game to be the best it can be. -Budie