9 months ago

Сегодня юбилей Смешариков - 20 лет франшизы!

Хоть мне и 19, но сериал навсегда останется в моём сердце!

Старый год уходит, и вот я успел сделать спрайты круглых героев в RPG-стиле!

С наступающим Новым 2024 Годом! С новым счастьем! С новым планом фанартов!

P.S.: Изначально я хотел нарисовать Смешариков в стиле EarthBound, но поняв, какой же всё-таки дефицит цветов в игровой палитре, решил сделать их в самостоятельном стиле. Так или иначе, формы конечностей всё же позаимствованы из EarthBound.

А новогодний фон взят из UNDERTALE.



Next up

Happy UNDERTALE's 9th Anniversary!

"Can you believe it's already Autumn?" - Toby Fox

It's hard to believe, because it's very sunny and warm this year. Meanwhile, Kikoriki also celebrate Olga's birthday today, having a tea party under plywood sun.


It's Tails!


I am #MostHyped for DELTARUNE: Chapter 3&4 and HIVESWAP: Act 3.

P.S.: Why is there no Homestuck realm? Even some manga series have one.


I'm not really good at picking up favorites, so I could say that I like the entire console mainline series (except Sonic 4).

Among spin-offs, however, my favorites are Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic Riders ZG.

Does anybody know why Summer 2020 Cases are still quite expensive? Is there a popular cosmetic that I don't know?


This week I came up with Overtime GRN vs YLW, a crossover between Overtime by @GermanPeter and Undertale Yellow by @TeamUTY ! While UTY is a prequel to Undertale, OTGY is a sequel, with Miss Pauling terminating Greenwich & Yelward Mann.

Happy MOTHER 2's 30th Anniversary!

P.S.: I wonder if DELTARUNE will be present on #NintendoDirect #IndieWorld?

Edit: it's not.

Earth Wars and Mother Origins.

Coincidence? I don't think so!

Happy MOTHER's 35th Anniversary!


A natural-like battle sprite additon to my overworld sprites from 2023.

By the way, Happy Birthday, Pin!