14 days ago

September Update

my little shack quite nice isn't it...

He-yo! happy September everyone! i want to start doing consistent monthly updates just so y'all know I'm not abandoning my work or I'm dead.



the project has taken a completely new route and i have been hard at work on the environments.

its taking a while to get a reveal planned but i want to do this right.

I am hoping to get some concept art so that we can work on the character models!

the current goal is to have the main character and the main part of the main environment finished to do a proper little reveal.

i would show more but i don't want to spoil anything!

I've been quite busy throughout august so development has slowed down quite a bit and should pick up around end of November.



Next up

gamejolt after giving a nickel and a dime to their most active creators and giving the rest to kane carter

gasme asjam

someone has some opinions @SandwichWare

reaction video @albinoblackbear

discord after making their UI slightly worse everytime they update it

Game reveal coming in a matter of time


Alright fellows!! Ill be gone on a trip to Ohio for the next week i will be back the night of the 14th! Watch the house while im gone.