1 month ago

shadow tiy From the Return to Starbound

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when me a realizing this guy is one of warshi's bootlicker

I hate this stupidass word

Retaking, sorry for the lack of activity here, I'm starting again to work on the game :)


did you already see the new teasers I've posted?

this is a me when the breaking is the magic! (funy medmr for funny peolp!)

hi both :3

as long as I have had all the 3D modeling re-done from the original game, here are 2 previews of the next trtf 2 stories, what the designs should look like exactly as I want them.

did.. that guy changed his name again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again?