The Only One Girl
7 years ago

Short version looking for beta-testers!

Okay, so an April release is more plausible for the {First Quarter} version of the game and right now we’re right on schedule! I’ve scripted in a lot of the image commands and voices already and there isn’t too much to go. But I need your help! I would like some beta-testers outside my team to get some early impressions as well as catch any bugs you may find in the build. To make things easier, I just copy&pasted my Lemmasoft post below for beta-searching, so if you’re interested read below! As the game is free, beta-testing is also free—but I am sure you knew that xD

What We’re Looking For & Requirements

  • Make sure the game functions properly! Is a background missing? No voice where it should be? Did it crash somewhere? If you run into any of these errors, please let us know what exactly happened so I can fix it ASAP!

  • Screenshot that typo! I am very thorough with my scripts, but once in awhile some oddity like a typo or missing word slips by me. If you happen to spot any of these, feel free to screenshot it and send it to me so I know where the correction is needed.

  • Thoughts on the voice overs! This game has fully voiced dialogue including our heroine! While those not really into voice work are still welcome to participate, we mostly want those who will leave it on since the voice work is one of the essential parts to how this game’s story is told so you feel like you’re watching an anime rather than reading. Let us know how you feel the CVs did and how it affected your experience with the game.

  • Thoughts on the atmosphere! This novel will primarily focus not only on the voicework, but sound effects and background noise. There will be some music, but not as much—not only because I can’t find a lot of pieces that really fit, but also because I feel many scenes don’t need it and work fine with just sound and ambience. But we’d love to hear YOUR opinion on it! Do you like this and feel it works? Or do you think some places would benefit with some score instead?

  • Feedback! Of course, it all comes down to how you enjoyed the game. I’d love to know how this game is received by both male and female audiences—it may be an otome-style, but! I did write it in mind to be enjoyable by everyone, which is why our heroine is not only voiced but you see her side-sprite each time she speaks and has personality—therefore, it is not your story but hers. So let us know how you enjoyed the game and if you’d play the full (free) release once it’s out. While a lot of how the final product is cemented in how it will unfold, feedback will still be kept in consideration especially for our future games.

  • Tell me your OS! We’ll be releasing it with a Windows, Mac, and Linux build—so testers of all platforms are more than welcome.

  • You get to see the Meet The Cast videos early! On our YouTube, I have uploaded 3 videos of me and my cast talking about the game, and even have a roleplay where I interview the characters and the cast off script try to answer in-character. It’s currently set to Private until the game’s release, but I’ll set it to Link-Only temporarily as a gift to betas to watch if they so desire after their testing~ (And please, don’t share the link as it will be available for all in April!)

How This’ll Work & How To Sign Up

  • Reply to this thread in a comment with your interest in signing up! State whether you want to communicate through e-mails or PMs here, so I know where to send the link to—also give me the name you wish to be credited as (since all betas get a spot in the end credits), why you want to participate as a beta, your OS, and while optional—I am curious as to which route you’re aiming for upon first playthrough.

  • Once beta starts, all testers will be given a link via e-mail or PM here. Please do not share the link with anyone, the proper release will be available next month anyway.

  • Blind play first! The first stage of the test is a blind play. I am curious as to what route and pseudo-end you’ll be arriving at first. This is when you’ll send me your very first impression of the game and how you enjoyed it. Also provide any errors you’ve found.

  • Walkthrough provided after! Once you’ve blind-played once, you will be provided with a detailed walkthrough on how to get all the pseudo-ends and see all the subtle differences, etc. to completely clear it. This is when you’ll send me your full impression of the game, report any errors, as well as tell me who your favourite character is and why!

  • For those interested, you will then receive the link to our 3 “Meet The Cast!” videos to watch and let us know how you enjoyed that~

  • And… that’s pretty much it! Once all reports have been received, if needed, I’ll tweak the final build for public release along with the end credits video (this is being added in last so I can include the betas who helped!)

  • Bonus? If any of you like to draw and oddly feel the urge to draw fanart, then if it’s done before this release, I can include it in the game’s unlockable Extras.



Next up

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...they don`t have names yet tho

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Pixel art gif