Forge and Fight

5 years ago

Simple, yet impractical!

What are you forging?



Next up

We're happy to announce that Forge and Fight! special website is now live! Let's sign up for a newsletter and get exclusive content when early access is ready! We're looking forward to seeing your crazy weapons in action!

It's time for a new developer blog! In this one, we're talking about our weapon philosophy for Forge and Fight!

Read it here ➡️

The UX for Forge and Fight kinda goes against established web convention. We pretty much took the 'F' shape and kicked it to the other corner. Looks nice though. Try the game:

The color palette used for Passpartout. It got a nice range without giving way too many options. Perfect for an amateur such as myself!

🔥Hype Alert 🔥

Forge and Fight! Alpha Test Starts Within a Few Weeks Please check more details and don't forget to register!

Can highly recommend defining your own Selectables when working with Unity. Here we got radio buttons to be used in a list. Simple and reuseable!

Another drawing I made in Passpartout way back when due to a user request. I'm no artist but I think I delivered!

I call this a... moderate success! What's your high score?

Tried to stress test the store with a lot of customers. Is this what hell is like? Throwback to a cancelled project.

When your code reaches the level of abstraction where it's impossible to tell what function it actually has.