Five nights at BASOK`s: Rebirth
2 years ago

Since you haven't found any bugs, I'm changing the status of the game to "Completed/Stable". But if you find bugs, write anyway. | Так как вы не нашли баги я меняю статус игры на "Завершено/Стабильно". Но если найдёте баги всё равно пишите.

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Next up

Hello everyone. We have finished with some mechanics and a demo version of the game will be released soon. But we can't promise anything. "An old guitarist in a new guise!"

Something old

Gamejolt does not allow you to write so much in the post, so I made it in the form of a photo. | Gamejolt не даёт написать столько в посте, поэтому я сделал его в виде фото.

Примите это в качестве извинений за отсутствие. | Please accept this as an apology for the absence.

"Eat and play"

"Thanks guys for endless hours of fun." 👍

(My first fan art. Read the article, please.)

#sonic #mario #photoshop

What do you think guys in my robot?Just a beginner in 3d modeling..

My instagram

What you all think

Strange Umbrella

I worked so hard to get all four of them to the end safely, but then...