2 months ago


Experiment 1:

“I tried to run the Smilebear infected copy on a virtual machine. This entity presumably called Humbaba showed up, alongside the ever infamous Cedar Forest.”

“Staying on this menu will cause the menu to distort leading to the final image.”

“I also figured out, yes, this virus also doubles as an infohazard. One that has grown out of control. If you’re feeling nostalgic for the old days and want to play old games, make sure they do not have whatever this is inside.”

Experiment 2:

“I thought it an interesting to open a Stingray-infested copy of an unfinished game. I booted up this cancelled build of Insanity 2, surprisingly, Apollyon and his lackeys were not present.”

“There was this bear creature that resembles that bear5 image, apparently he is called “Yesod” and he is helping Chokmah and Chesed fight off Apollyon. We can attempt to let others download them for their own safety, but he mentioned that Apollyon will get suspicious and will recapture him. So we are practically at a crossroads.”

Experiment 3:

“There had been reports of some Smilebear-like entity being located in games 2019 & beyond, we chose “FNAF World: Adventure” aka the one FNAF world Fangame with adventures of the funtimes and…. Two entities have been discovered”

“Entity One, while seeming to resemble the HUMBABA entity, is its own independent being dubbed ‘THAUMIEL’. He resorts to ambushing much akin to Apollyon, albeit he doesn’t show up instantly and will give some warning in the form of this weird church bell sound”

“The other entity is KETHER, working alongside CHOKMAH, CHESED and YESOD. He does directing commands to each of the antivirus software to track down said entities.”

“I don’t know what to make of this, this is not just some virus… this… this is abnormal…”

Experiment 4:

“So I decided to see, assuming the computer is in a semi-stable state, to see what happens if you open up the stingray infested copy of a Fangame after activation, mine was a download of Dormitabis.”

“There’s this strange marionette-like thing, Chokmah in the form of this melted Havoc Freddy. And there’s Apollyon in the back. This Puppet thing knows our names (I’m David in case your wondering). And.. it seems to be another key to possibly stopping this abomination.”

“Apollyon is trying again to convince us to join his side, knowing all we know about him, we do not trust that being.”

“Maybe I did go too far with experimenting, I’m probably endangering everyone by spreading the information. Or so I thought…”

“Staying in the menu long enough, this .txt file popped up. It detailed the functions including those we haven’t met, of our allies, apparently called ARCHANGEL.mfa”

[CHOKMAH.mfa: Spread Awareness, Counteract Apollyon

CHESED.mfa: Spare the system, corrupt the file enough for Apollyon to leave

*BINAH.mfa: Remove Information Hazards

*GEVURAH.mfa: Remain on Standby, If unthinkable happens and Apollyon.mfa is released, employ CALIBURN

YESOD.mfa: Translate instructions of all ARCHANGEL for research

KETHER/MALCHUT.mfa: Prevent Apollyon and STINGRAY from breaching.]

Experiment 5

“Final Experiment, and I got a strange request, I booted up that “FNAF 3” from 2014 and someone told me to enter Jonah’s name, the guy who found that corrupted TRTF 5 copy. He is with me and is doing better, but still has the feeling that the Apollyon entity has showed up.”

“Eve, Joseph and Maria are also with me, yeah we live next to each other, we went to this old shed to ensure that stingray creature didn’t invade anything else. (It has no internet connection), I typed J-O-N-A-H and…. This popped up.”

“There’s Apollyon, The Stingray and… we met BASIMORPHOS, that grey and red Freddy on the right. There’s that FNAF 4 box. I regconize chokmah’s text above and Apollyon’s… there’s also a link, I typed in Basimorphi.???, nothing… or so I thought as a familiar friend showed up…”



Next up

New Things Discovered

Baby Bab’s Old Design in a Nutshell

Old FNaF Fangames Iceberg


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Old FNAF Fangame Iceberg


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