Smitty 2
4 months ago

Smitty 2 Game Jolt page is now live!

Started development in April 2024, Smitty 2 is the long-awaited sequel to Smitty's Journey.

Since April 2022, I began development on Balls n' Stars 2 to celebrate the first game's 5th anniversary, after Round Rotate 2 ended up becoming a lost cause after I accidentally formatted my SSDs unceremoniously days prior to the day I began working on BnS2. And 2 years later, I decided to pause its development in favor of this project instead, because Smitty has come a long way, especially in 2023 when he received a burst of popularity. So, thanks for that!

Anyway, I've set up the Game Jolt page since May, but didn't actually finish it since I have no screenshots to show yet. That's gonna change today, because starting now, all progress videos will be shown in this page as they were posted on both Twitter and my Discord server (please join, by the way, we can be friends too!).

I hope you're looking forward to Smitty 2 and everything it has to offer over the first game!



Next up

Working on the main menu took me quite a number of trial and error, but I managed to almost complete it

I also have been wanting a cut-out transition for a long while and I finally get to make one, huzzah

After some refinements and troubleshooting, I finally settled the dialog system straight from a blank canvas

And it works pretty flawlessly, thanks to Godot's label visibility features

Preparing the demo for the upcoming Sonic Amateur Games Expo this September, so everything has to work properly, including the title screen!

We finally got the HUD, people! And guess what, ability bubbles are back too!

Guess which feature made its return from the first game?

That's right, hidden secret areas! But unlike Smitty 1, they are not on plain sight this time

Update on the capsules: They now show balloon popups of occasional call for help and the required number of pellets to break them open

If you've played Smitty's Journey, the jingle that plays should sound familiar to you

Figuring out how to properly switch scenes in Godot, and hey, it works flawlessly! Now to add some transitions and more persistent states.

Made one of the major but optional collectibles in the game: Hostage capsules

You need 20 energy pellets to hack these and release the captured Dropple inside

Continuing from the last post, dialogs can now be triggered automatically on player contact and can even switch points of view to go along with certain dialog

Wanted to do idle animations much earlier, but not feeling like it until now.

Anyway, here are the 2 animations I did for Smitty.