Seven Nights At Superbonnies REMADE
11 months ago

SNAS R, News

(I accidently closed out of the tab so i had to rewrite this whole thing :/)

So, i know i've been sorta quiet about the game, and the last offical thing i did for this was the april fools demo but thats about it, also as of now i have decided im not going to post anything about the game and put my focus in only finishing the game, the only posts i might make about the game is things i think are important (Ex. New stages of developement (Cameras, Ai, ect) redone/ new code or sections of the game, and rarely a percent complete post or news about the game i find important.)

Anyways i bring some news about the future of the game

Voice Acting:

I know that as of now there is only one voice actor (@Chill_Doggo_231 ) and you think this information may not be relevent to all of you but trust me it is.

So pretty much i have redone and made some new voice lines for the phone guy who was orginally going to be voiced by @Chill_Doggo_231 but due to them may or may not being able to do it, i have tooken over the role of the phone guy but i still have a character they can voice act.

For you guys, in the near future or in acouple months, i will make a post with a list of the avaliable characters to voice act (No, there won't be any voice acting of the animatronics) and within that post i will have the requirments on what you need to voice act, even if you meet the requirements you still might not make the cut.

The game itself:

So, since i released the april fools demo for the game, i havent really touched it, the game is about 12-15% ish done, the farthest it being done is being able to go on the computer in the office, and a extras menu that is about half way complete, so not really much.

Some other news reguarding the game (idk if this'll change or not) there won't be a demo release for the game, besides a joke demo, there is no plan to release a demo, my main focus as of now is getting the game 100% done for yall and release it, and the only updates being Bug fixes or mini content updates.

So yea thats pretty much everything i got to tell yall, soo bye :>



Next up

Seven Nights At Superbonnies R

Totally real demo out now! :D

Go play it!

Here is the menu preview for SNAS R!

This is what I planned on showing earlier today but I got busy.

Soo, I’ve been working abit on the game and I’m pretty positive the trophy system/idea I have in place works completely. I’ve also added stuff to the office and got the office looking more furnished also with a clock :3

That’s pretty much it Byee

Emma model I made in blender... Would y'all play a 3D Emma's game?

Been workin hard and completed a demo for yall!!

Just doin some finishing touches but it is scheduled to release around 11:30 AM EST!

See yall there! :)

Heheheh... :)

The insainity is taking over

All trophy images that included the old Superbonnie model as well as the thumbnail is about to be updated. The new model is at the stage to where it can be used in the images. Mainly since all the images has the upper half or the head. New images above.

Silly ass shark pfp I made for someone :3c

Im still alive, I just haven't been active much on GJ or any platform for that matter besides steam.

I will let yall know that I am trying my best to keep up with SNAS R but with lack of motivation, it might be awhile. + I got to study for a certifaction.