So this project is urn (Ultimate Rejected Night) like ucn except it's my rejected animatronic design's and project's most of these are probably never seen before some may not look the same and may look different from it's original design's.
What URN may include
Duh the rejected animatronic's (Still debating)
Some teaser's for the future game's
office option's
obviously many different mechanic's
May not have same mechanic's (These character's are Yellow bear, Chuck. E. Cheese, Redman (old), Toybonnie (Old), and Demo's)
Some reference's to other game's (Other than just fnaf)
What URN might not include
Some rejected animatronic's (Still debating)
URN hasn't started it's development due to me still finishing up some touches on PROJECT FEAR:R and developing DESTINY 1 and still debating on voice actor's so yeah that's all for now...