Today is FNaF World's 9th anniversary, and I thought that would make it a bit fitting to bring everyone up to speed on where FNaF World EPIC is at.
Despite our absence these past few months we're still getting people following the game page and messaging in the discord server. The attention, even when we're not updating, is very much appreciated. I know you guys are anticipating this game, and honestly I am too. But it's going to take time.
Here's probably what you actually started reading for:
FNaF World EPIC is currently on hold.
It's technically been on hold for a while, but we just haven't announced it. Unfortunate to say, but I wanted to finally let you all know about it. We've been slacking a little, as real life things have been taking a lot of our time.
All that being said, I can say for certain that FNaF World EPIC is not dead. We just need a bit more time, some newfound motivation, and more progress before we show anything else off. I really want to make this game a reality, and I know a lot of you want it to be real too, so we on the dev team will not give up on it.
I know the wait is tough, but I hope it will be worth it.
For now there's unfortunately not much to show, but I do have some small updates. Here's the last models I worked on before the break:

And on the game development end, I can assure you that we do have things in engine, working on a very basic level.
Hopefully sometime in the next couple months we'll get back into the swing of things and start working on this project again. Thank you all for still sticking with us, and we hope to see you again soon!
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