Lamplight Hollow

4 years ago

SO MANY SECRETS! How many have YOU found???

(screenshots are welcome but avoid spoilers please!)



Next up

New game design challenge coming this month. The theme is #resilience. Register at to be notified at launch! #gamejam

Hi everybody -- a quick update about our #resilience game design #challenge! We're happy to share that we received entries from 10 countries representing 4 continents! We will be notifying the Finalists on July 9th. Stay tuned for more!

What to do with in-game tutorials?

Not all players like them but they can help ensure all players understand the mechanics and rules of a game.

And so we've included the dreaded tutorial dungeon in Lamplight Hollow while slyly winking at our audience ;-)

We are headed to #G4C, who else is going? We're excited to have this chance to share Culture Overlord, finalist for Best Learning Game. Hope to see some of you there.

We hope you are all doing well!

As we start the process to make LH available in Spanish we want to keep you in the loop. First: use 'Database ConVerter MV for RPG Maker MV' to extract text to spreadsheets *fingers crossed*

Follow-up: 2022 Games for Change Festival

How often do dogs show up in your dreams?

Do waking-world happenings occupy *your* dream-world?

15th annual game design challenge is coming this month.

The theme is #resilience.

Register to be notified when the contest launches at:

Wilbur is happy to be among such great company at #DreamHackAnaheim!