1 year ago

So someone in town dropped a kitten in my moms hands ,so we now have 9 cats,2 being girls and the rest male πŸ˜….His name is Midnight.Hyper kitten lol.



Next up

I think this day is stupid tbh -_-

Here it is. I wasn't lying. Must be for one of my brothers grades bc i didn't get it.

The bot is talking without me interacting with it =|

Car crash

3 for 1!

I was wondering what types of amnesias were out there,idk why,dont ask. And this is the one i have =D

Gotta love trauma,yea?

U either remember the bad,or end up forgetting the bad but everything else

I think we all know who's winning

Omg,i need a mini suitcase. I hoard mini and small things and it would fit in there. I bet i can find