So a dude told a story about how he raped is ex gf and he tried to make himself look like the victim by making excuses of shit like "I was young and didn't know what I was doing" etc etc. yet he only spoke of one girl. yet my friend who is friends with one of his victims confirms that there were 8 girls we know of who he raped, not to mention the amount of people he abused and assaulted. The student led government or whatever here at the school told our school administration to not release the video. matter of fact they told the principal not to release the video yet the school administration board didn't listen and released the video anyway. The dude who told the story didn't even ask his ex if he could tell the story and did it anyways, and his ex? She wasn't ready for the story to be out there yet. I say fuck this. Fuck the principal. If you agree then sign this
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if you need convincing more so? Heres the fucking news video. the link for the video is set to start at the meeting the school district held about this video, and that's where the real shit is.