TERROR Chapter 1: Time to Sleep
1 year ago

So, today is the first day of 2023. Let's talk about 2022 and what to expect this new year

2022 was truly intense for me. A lot in my life has changed and I also got into game development more than ever. After trying with games like trtf 5 pe, moonlight and also trying to code a game for a Gamejam (I'm referring to device, which was entirely made in 5 days and that's why it's broken) I grew up as a game developer but also as a person. Now time to sleep will be the result of thee trial and error I did last year and also of what's going to happen this new year. Before talking about 2023, I want to thank all the epic people who helped me and supported me this year: @GrandpaJerry @Crimsonware @VeeBoi @Taysman @DaylenTvGaming @Pau_Aventurer @Manzanito_Games @NojusPC @exofes @Mortuus @TheGuyWhoMakeGame, all the codename fangames' staff and members, my irl friends and a lot more people.


2023 is gonna be interesting, especially with this game. I planned on completing the game's development on 2023 but I don't know if it will happen so don't take it as a release date. Meanwhile, we're working, even if slowly. I'm also thinking about the next chapters of the saga and some more smaller projects I may make in this time. We don't know what will happen in the future, but no matter what will happen I don't want to cancel this saga. About time to sleep's situation, the animatronics models are all done, the map is almost fully done, coding is still in early stages, soundtracks are being composed (I'll upload a new one soon), the story is already written and the concepts are all done, so overall the game is at a 30%. Well, Happy New Year everyone! See you soon!



Next up

Let's talk about the Showcase at Freddy's exclusive (Read article) (logos added by @TheGuyWhoMakeGame)

Shout-out to @Crimsonware for this epic fanart! Thank you bro!

Every shadow is a caution.

"What's wrong?" Finally, after a long time, a new teaser, a new song and a new devlog! Read the article to see more

It might finally be time to give you a purpose, Chum Charlie...

Happy anniversary to the GOAT (Model from FNAF AR because it's my favorite)

The countdown starts now...

As you may already know, Time to Sleep is part of @ShowcaseAtFreddys . Remember to keep yourself updated on the event to see more of what this game has to offer. And with this, see you next time!

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