2 years ago

so uh

art contest

I'm betting this will inevitably crash and burn from nothing made but eh what the fuck

Draw my OC


(New Bravice reference, cry about it lmao)

It ends on Valentine's Day because y'all need time to draw and I need time to prepare for disappointment


1st place gets a friend request, a follow, a piece of fanart, a shout out and the drawing as my pfp

2nd gets a friend request a follow and a shout out

3rd gets a follow and a shoutout

Everyone else gets a follow

It begins... now



Next up

The Witching Well

(Happy Halloween!)

i'll draw something else eventually, guys...

#Joltober2023 #zombie

My pal #Frye is supposed to be team skeletons. But they look so good together n who would deny a photo to #Deadf1sh ? Is like taking a photo with Avicii bro.

Short intro of us 💕✌️

We're an eletro duo based in Seoul 🇰🇷 Heavily influenced by the 90s.

Our new album #Xennials is all about the nostalgia of that era 💽 CD listenin 📟 beeper beepin 💾 floppy disks floppin days 😎

Stream now! 🎧



i may or may not make an full art of some person or i may just leave this like that-

Heya there! I really wanted to show you all a little gameplay preview of the first boss fight i'm currently working on i hope you like it ^^

What do you think guys in my robot?Just a beginner in 3d modeling..

My instagram https://www.instagram.com/rojhonbb/

Rockin the Guitar, an Axe like Guitar I made for my Uni project

If you have more of an acquired taste, the restaurants in Niravasi have you covered! Maybe skip the salad bar, though.