Welcome To Razzy's

7 months ago

So, what's cooking?

Aight fellas, here we go again.

So since the last devlog I've been moving out, going to work, figuring how to use my money smartly and I didn't have too much time to work on Razzy's.

But I just happened to have a little bit of time and motivation and got to rework the boys


I'm planning on digitalizing them soon but for now those are just concepts of where I'm going with these.

Together with this I've been also working on the story and been thinking more about the location and how I want it to look like later in the game tho sadly I do not have any concepts of that yet.

I have been working on the location's name tho and the sign/ logo for it


I am also tempted to add one or two more animatronics but I'm not so sure about that yet.

Development wise still no progress but tbf I wanna work on all the assets first.

For now that's all and see ya next time!



Next up

Imagine waking up at midnight to a heavy storm knocking on your door and your NINA app sending you two alarms

One last devlog before I leave again, don't mind the images, I rushed it-

Also I'm sorry I couldn't really provide you with any images this time :')

Help wanted!

Gameplay (DEMO) reveal trailer out now!

second reference has been revamped

Please read the article!

I will be more and more happy to do anything fnaf related! NOTHING BIG

To who still has open commissions: I'm working on them right as I'm posting this 🙏

I love using colors, it makes everything look so organized

Artfight is starting in 8 hours and I'm pretty much ready x3

"The Synthesis"

On our way to the saxony furdance