2 months ago

So yeah, funny story (article)

This is a picture I took only 1 second before I got jumpscared by Nightmare Foxy on Night 1. This is on Switch btw

The main reason I took the picture was just to show I caught the bag hangers (mArKiPlIeR rEfErEnCe!?!; aka IV bags) on Night 1.

But I shut off my Switch right after getting jumpscared, so I couldn't record it because of my stoopid ass getting killed

But here's the thing: I was only facing the bed for like 5 seconds at that point. And I had only honked Freddy's nose about 6 times (the 6th one being right after I took the picture.

The method to triggering Foxy on any night is either staring at the bed for 15+ seconds, or honking Freddy's nose about 20 times before 15+ seconds is complete, and then he'd force you to look forward to the closet & THEN he'd kill you immediately afterwards.


Can someone please tell me how I died so quickly to him?! I'm very perplexed on this

Also, one question I've got about the game's mechanics in general, since this IS a default feature: why IS it a feature that Foxy just poofs into existence right behind you if you look at the bed for too long in the 1st place?

And why can that happen on nights even when he DOESN'T exist on those nights?

Those are all just questions I've got currently, hopefully I get answers lol



Next up

Fun fact: that 1M in the middle means "1 Month"

In case you were worried like me about that being 1 minute lol

Pfp Change

Another question I have (Punch Out, not FNaF 4)

GAME ALMOST DONE??? (Devlog 3)

#StarWarsArt Look, I'm only doing this for the achievement

Forgot to post this when I should've lol


#GJAsks Nintendo Entertainment System

It's just a classic, simple console that plays simple, classic games.