Link to vico if you wanna explore it
What is vico?
oh yes you may say that but let me explain to you
Vico is a social media platform and social network but wait its not some shity another platform that is ganna be worse and never grow? Its an forum network which we call it because vico is all about freedom of optional and customize so what is vico reallt is? Well its a forum network and now when you scroll down to read "what vico has" you might be amaze that vico really tryna make itself everything by a freaking forum hahaha💖
I hope you enjoy reading this
What vico has
posting with customize and optional
Editor content for posting with mutiple optional and customize and brand new features almost any idea you can think of
Video post with uploading youtube url links to the forums :)
Embed with posting embed of any social media which means contents not just youtube url videos but also with example like "embed content of twitter" otherwise learn what embed is?
Events with you can really start a optional event and others can find it in public which we call it event search
Polls you can make optional polls in post
Quick reply with sending comments on quick reply it is easy and not customize but optional however its very good
Chatbox with chating on the public room and also send colourful texts and optional too!!! On the same time🔥
Profile avatar with uploading or choosing a avatar list of games pics and the whole category of amine pics and others which means some have animated pics for your own profile pic or just upload your own image
Follow members with following members that you wont miss a single
Foes and friends with friends on PM or chat messages in optional custom💖🙌🙌🙌
Likes and dislikes with theses not only that but when you get more likes you get an award and be the top list of anything
Top list with being able to whatever you can get to most followed or likes or posting or anything to make you the 1# leaderboard
latest images with photos you know if your bored of looking at forums then why not scroll to look at images shorts or something what yall can call it but it is way better
Earn points with earning vicoins you can get an award of being rich baby!!!!
With publication you know you can public your advert of images or url sharing
Search with advanced or just keyword or hashtag or mention any users on your post or your personal albums gallery images or everything
EVERYTHING OF CUSTOMIZE AND OPTIONAL AND EDIT PLUS CREATE AND BRANDED YOU CAN DO ANYTHING as long as you wish and you wont be ban if you follow rules of terms which is easy to follow!!!!
Forgot to say that there is bloging too which means more optional and customize there as well
what vico can do
Vico can help you of your advertising of games of websites or apps and vico can also help you blog also with customizable ways and vico can protect you from hackers as long we have ways to block malwares or spywares that come maybe in the future
Vico have a way that doesnt act like those social medias that ban and use people infos to spy them... which also twitter and tiktok and instagram like come on bruh but yet we still need theses cuz they are used for good too and still i understand why so that is why we made vico that we just want to be FOR REAL not trying to ban good people and to atleast we must understand what users want and something and the most important is that we dont want to spy on you and we dont care about vico. We just care the people as long there is good people that do good things then maybe they can help vico since im a muslim i get worry cuz i know some people arent good and they are too childish you know? What i am saying.....
Sorry for you reading long☹ my bad im just tryna be real
Whats bad about vico?
What you mean vico is bad? When as a muslim creator i would never try to make vico bad so that is why im active alot cuz i always need to get into work on vico site
What is safe about vico?
Vico is secure and safe and first lets say we all need to know that or we do, is when it comes safety well make sure to make a strong password and strong username because for me it is fine i have nothing to worry cuz you dont need to know about me im a good person that have skills and i have a way
Vico can ban IP ADDRESS of anyone and when we say banning we mean we ban only hackers, spammers, scammers, and others that could be more danger
Vico can ban ways and trick and bring backup so you can say we are kinda like prepared so yes we do stuff to really protect you
How can i tell if vico will ban me..
first of all we will just simply ask the users that reported you and we will have to sneakly see what you are doing to see if you are breaking the rules or just ask you instead of being a werido lol
Why no porn and no nft and no adult contents 18+ and nsfw
Bruh have you not know that when i started to sign up to create a website then a terms of agree said that if i put theses then im breaking the TOS so no...
Is vico always there for me will vico support me if i get banned on the other platform like gamejolt or youtube or something else
if something bad has happen to you then talk to us and we can give you list of supports and we might give you a award of support
Whats the best fucking way to make contents!!!!
Blog is better then topics i mean not ganna lie you can blog anything bruh in vico and it shows the date of post
Url youtube like who doesnt likes videos????? I mean we need to watch videos!!!!! It is better and healthy
Who doesnt like events??? Like we need events in vico but public and shows users to easliy find
What is good about vico
First of all vico just wants people to love everything of optiona and customizable and freedom of options tools!!!! And you want that!!!!
Vico has seo tools in editor and meta tags also with date of year editing
What vico plans?

Vico plan is to first help other people have free options and customize and help other people that want to advertise anything and to help other people to join usergroups like becoming a admin :3
And to plan to grow and be the first cool, awesome, epic of islamic social networking and yes doesnt matter what you believe in or something you dont.... you can still join us today
Vico needs to reach 100 members and i hope this article helps me get 1000 members soon
God bless you💖💖💖💖💖💖 i love you everyone💖💖💖 so much and much and alot in my hearty hearty heart :))))))
Love by joinplay
I work hard making this article i hope you enjoy
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