4 months ago

some BEF R gameplay screenshots



Next up

2nd row( Oni's ) is officially finished !!!

Oni's max mode is a lot easier than the Sush one imo but it gets INCREDIBLY fast-paced later on considering both pancake and glaucous's difficulty scales with the time a little bit

but yeah !!!

oh yeah these things are still here by the way just to let you know :3

WRONG !!! *gives you liver cancer*

Femtanyl!! ------------------------ I'M ON MY ART GRIND!!!!!! GRAHHHHHH (I love you Cashman Casino Las Vegas Slots realm <3)

first row ( 6 / 18 ) is finished :3 [ this is me trying to attempt the 1st row max mode ]

onigiri yumyum

Me gustó el resultado que está tomando (el lag es por mi PC al grabar jajajaj)

i guess the cat's out the ... fridge ( yes that's totally how the saying goes )