2 years ago

Some more news!!!
Silent updates since 1.26.6
(these are zooi's words not mine)

Hello everyone. Sorry if you expected a fantastic content-filled update today, this is just a list of every update since 1.26 because I noticed not everyone was aware that the game is always being updated, whether it shows up on Steam News or not.

If you want to stay up to date (for real) then you're better off joining the Discord server or reading the blog. Steam News is cool and everything but it exists in a weird limbo between the immediate interactivity of Discord and the complete lack of it on the blog. There is information on there that isn't available anywhere else.

1.26.6 - March 4 2023


  • Some extra checks when uploading items to the Workshop to prevent unclear failures

  • When a mod is uploaded from within the game, it is modified slightly to make it harder to blatantly reupload

  • Limb.StrengthMultipliers, a float array that is used to adjust the final motor strength of the limb. Empty by default.


  • Renamed "Blood vessel wire" to "Liquid conduit"

  • Objects held by humans (etc.) will no longer collide with the human until it is distant enough or 15 seconds have passed. This prevents, for example, dropped weapons from freaking out when its wielder is killed.


  • Layer editor showing up when it shouldn't

1.26.5 - February 15 2023


  • WaterBehaviour.Ignore, IgnoreObject(gm), and StopIgnoringObject(gm)

  • You can now toggle the detector beam visibility in the context menu and added a enabled light


  • Increased EMP chance for regular atom bomb


  • That wire layering bug when editing layers

  • Organism temperature response being way too abrupt

  • EMP from nuclear weapons not passing through objects for some reason

1.26.4 - January 22 2023


  • For modders: the Lasered message is now OnLasered and takes a Messages.ILasered.LaserArgs as a parameter. Please implement the Messages.ILasered interface.

  • You can double click a mod to toggle it


  • Map objects occasionally creating spawn particles

  • Tank tank problems (Tank)

  • Some UI problems

1.26.3 - January 18 2023


  • Laser receiver double trigger

  • Suspicious mods can now be "trusted". Observe.

  • Mods can now come with a README.txt, which can contain TMP rich text which will be displayed on the right side of the mod list screen. Think of it as an extended description. More information on the wiki.


  • Minor tweaks to body temperature management (body is now less effective at resisting external heat than it is external cold)

  • Being on fire causes skin damage and is less likely to cause someone to lose consciousness

  • Organisms burn longer


  • PPG modding wiki bug fix to do with rendering method overloads

  • Thermal vision display not showing lava temperature

  • Broken limbs incorrectly invoking damage functions (leading to a stopped heart not being lethal occasionally)

  • Procedural fragments disappearing after every limb is crushed

1.26.2 - January 5 2023


  • Thermal vision now also displays the temperature of the object under the cursor


  • Weapon attachment undo

  • Red barrel fire now takes no-collide into account

  • Gore fragments are now always removed with the organism

  • awdawdawdawd

1.26.1 - December 31 2022 🎆


  • Explosive barrels will no longer ignite obstructed objects

  • Wrench description is now more accurate


  • Layering issues regarding objects with multiple sprites (lagboxes, ion cannons, etc.)

  • Syringes behaving incorrectly if pasted/loaded while lodged into a liquid container

  • Attachment point blob in detail mode being visible at the wrong time

  • Flare showing spawn particles on use, sometimes

  • Deflated tyre appearing inflated after deserialisation

  • Organisms slowly descending if the surface they stood on is disintegrated or otherwise removed unexpectedly

1 comment


Next up

When somebody says "I love furries!"

Update 1.27

go for a swim?

He saw everything.


grammie ahh moment

fustavo gring

when the when ha