It's been a while.
Time to talk.
After this poject became original, I did not have ANY idea of what to do with it and were to take it, it was kind of a lost cause to be honest.
And with sky having left his role of main programmer to better take take of his life, I found myself working alone yet again, wich did not help my motivation.
I was slowly losing interest for Fnaf itself after the movie came out, I wanted to move on and show love for other things I liked wich in recent years have been making a comeback, and also find something new to appreciate.
I almost moved on, not planning to make any announcement but just vanishing, like this whole account never even existed.
For some time, this plan was very endearing to me, since the very reason gigio2025 exists, was because I was considering giving up on life, and needed a goal to achive and dream about, something that could force me to go on.
I did find that motivation, and those times are now long gone, I don't struggle with these things anymore, and that's why I tought of just letting go, I tought that maybe this pages have all already helped me and that I just didn't need them anymore.
I was very close to just abbandoning this account and becoming another everyday guy, going about on his personal life without a care in the world, but I didn't.
I now look back at all of what I've done here, and I am just so proud of it; even the dumb stuff, the stupid, the badly designed or strange interactions I've made for this projects; I find them so endrearing.
And then I look at this game again; was it was, what it became, what it could have been, what it is now...
And it all makes perfect sense, I can now see what this project is, what it always has been, and what it will be then.
When I can, I open up blender and work in secret, trying out things to see what works and what dosen't.
I'll have to fully strech out the game on paper.
I'll have to finish at least a big portion of the files already.
I'll have to find a new coder, maybe even a composer and maybe even build an entire team.
But I'll do it, because this game needs to happen, and I'll let you all see why.
Ya'll should be exited for these holidays, so much as I am.
-See ya
Next up
Merry Christmas everyone!
A decision has been made. Come back later
Rat Race Production Update
My time has come...
Found this fully completed teaser trailer that I had completely forgotten about.