3 years ago

Someone outside of devloment sent me a DM telling me that were "too serious". This post will show them (Not as bad as Jolly 4 tho). This also shows where we are in devloment, zero charcters, and we can't even get morse done!

In other news, give a warm welcome to @Moisdan_582, our new character modeler.



Next up

You guys really like us, don't you?

Yeah, the Demo was a joke. But Kane Carter shooting flying morses was so cool we want to talk about it.

Part of a model.

*uwu music stops*

Back to the basics.

Happy Trans Visiblity Day!

Only 18 of you have been blessed with the demo. DOWNLOAD IT BEFORE ITS GONE!

Very soon, play Morse Shooter with no teasers! That means you can get as many points as you want, or even download the orginal! Both of these will be out later today when we finish the updates.

Doing this instead of the demo