2 days ago

Someone's asking the real questions over here



Next up

Just finished a pretty good SM64 hack called Wario's Hint Art

Really good for a vanilla+ hack, enjoyed thoroughly

Only complaint is the camera (the vanilla cam is just fine for vanilla+ hacks (except Shotgun Mario 64 for obvious reasons)

No way!


bozo gang canon event

Playing troll/random code injection hacks rn They're so funny

catch me and the gang on death penalty [ @panned , @EpicBanana212 , @mykkode, @mac_n_cheeseiscool ]

Large update on Z-A (See Article)

(Probably everyone but me already knew about this, but I do wanna discuss it so drop your opinions in the comments)


I always thought my answer to this question would be a sandbox game like Minecraft or Terraria, because then you can make anything but...

I think now its be SM64 because the modding (by which I mean ROM Hacking) community has made so much with it

Funky Kong Flame Runner? More like QUAGSIRE Flame Runner