Now that i finally left the FNaS community i wanted to finally confess some stuff.
I never liked Kath's games, they are pretty mid and mediocre, i don't understand how people still loves a fucking poorly drawed fnaf 1 and 2 ripoff with Sonic and Mario characters.
Also i remember Kath being a bitch to me when i said "can we let Maniac Mania die?" in the official fnas server, i don't take that shit of "uhhh im feeling bad, this community is making me feel bad" like if you really feel bad why don't you leave this fucking community and do another thing?, also the fact she can't fucking take criticism about her games cuz she will start crying as always.
She left FNaS anyways so... meh.
If you want to try to change my mind it won't work, but i have to admit that thanks to FNaS i meet pretty cool friends.

tf is this thing bro, are you telling me this is a fucking self insert? a fusion of Sonic and Vaporeon?.
And you say people like this? its so cringey....