4 months ago

Something like a remaster of the first part of Case:Animatronics, stopped working on the game #CaseAnimatronicsRemaster #GameDevRemaster #GameDevStopped #CancelledProject #GameRemaster #GameDevelopmentHalt #WIPStopped #GamingUpdate #DevelopmentPause



Next up

Also an old project, I think from 2020-2021, the ideas from this game will most likely be used in another game, if not, I will finish this fan game.

I once helped to make a map similar to Cs2 (at that time in Cs:Go), i made a test model for a bomb, it's a pity that the files were lost(

#MinecraftModding #MinecraftModeling #ModTestModel #MinecraftCreation #ModdingCommunity #MinecraftModeller #LostFiles

Rebooted. [READ ARTICLE]

I just want to do it

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