Hi guys, sorry for not posting any news about game... I had not very good situation with light. Even when i had, i was without any mood to work on game( But now situation is much better for me, just need motivation to do all stuff I made this render to show differences about current version and new (what im planning to do in future) hope u like it and will wait for it Thx for waiting and have a good day/night!

2 years ago
"Something old and something new"
read article!
Next up
Well its seems that u guys maybe want me to work still
So i made this render of Yurin :P
thx guys!
sry for not posting anythings... have some problems irl..
Happy Valentines Day
Ha! Ha! Ak goes Brrrrr!
New update 0.3 is out with some new things and fixes!
fnia only rabbits
damn guys im fully forget about GameJolt to post render
a bit late but Happy New Year
Gladly we like to annouce that soon first night is gonna be playable! Of course its not perfect
Thanks to @BlueFireDev for helping and supporting! Few issues left but mainly everything is done for 1ST NIGHT!
Thanks for waiting!
FNIA baby
One of the 2 last rooms is ready!
[Read article]